
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management User's Guide

7.2.1 Displaying the event history

  1. From the monitoring console Web browser, log on to PFM - Web Console.

  2. In the navigation frame of the main window, select the Agents tab.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents window, select the agent whose event history you want to display.

    When you want to select multiple agents, select Multi select.

    The selected agents are marked with checkmarks.

    Reference note:

    If you do not select an agent, the histories of events that occurred in all the agents are displayed.

  4. In the method frame of the Agents window, select the Event History method.

  5. In the Event History window, set the items in the Settings for the report display period area.

    Set display conditions for the following items, if necessary:

    Date range

    When you set the date range for the data you want to display as an event history, select the appropriate date range from the Date range pull-down menu.

    The selectable values are as follows:

    - Specify when displayed

    - Within the past hour

    - Within the past 24 hours

    - Within the past 7 days

    - Within the past month

    - Within the past year

    The default is Within the past 24 hours.

    When you select something other than Specify when displayed, the dates and times corresponding to the Start time and End time are automatically set.

    Start time and End time

    When you select Specify when displayed in Date range, set the Start time and End time of the date range for displaying the event.

    You should specify the Start time and End time in a display format corresponding to the locale.

    For details, see the chapter that describes installation and setup in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

    The range of dates and times you can specify is from 1971/01/01 00:00 to 2035/12/31 23:59. For the End time, specify a date and time after the Start time you specified.

    Note that when you select something other than Specify when displayed, the appropriate date and time is automatically set. Additionally, if you change the date and time that are automatically displayed, settings for the Date range change to Specify when displayed.

    Display the start time data and Display the end time data

    These check boxes determine whether reports include the data for the times specified in Start time and End time. The check boxes are selected by default. You can specify the default state of the check boxes in the excludeTerminalData parameter within the <vsa> tag in the initialization file (config.xml). For details on how to enter settings in the initialization file (config.xml), see the section describing the initialization file in the appendixes of the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

    When either check box is selected, the report includes data that matches the time specified in Start time or End time.

    If a check box is cleared, data that matches the time specified in Start time or End time is excluded from the report.

  6. Set the Maximum number of records.

    Set the display conditions for the following items, if necessary:

    Maximum number of records

    The maximum number of events to be displayed as an event history on the Report page, as an integer from 1 to 1440. The default is 1000.

    However, you can specify the maximum number of records (maxFetchCount) from 1 to 2147483647 in the initialization settings file (config.xml) of PFM - Web Console. In this case, you can specify the maximum number of records within the range of values you specified in the config.xml file.

  7. Set the individual items in Filter.

    Set the display conditions for the following items, if necessary:

    Alarm Name

    Specify the alarm names for which to display events, using no more than 2,048 bytes of single or double-byte characters. Specifying an alarm name in this item enables an event at which the alarm occurred to be displayed.

    By default, an asterisk (a wildcard character) is used.

    Alarm Table

    Specify the names of the alarm tables for which to display events, using no more than 2,048 bytes of single or double-byte characters. Specifying an alarm table name in this item enables you to display events that occurred and that are for alarms of the alarm table.

    By default, an asterisk (a wildcard character) is used.


    Specify the message text of events to display, using no more than 2,048 bytes of single or double-byte characters. Specifying message text in this item enables you to display events that output the message text.

    By default, an asterisk (a wildcard character) is used.

  8. Click the OK button.


    When displaying events for multiple agents, it might take a long time to search for events, causing the process to time out. If this occurs, reduce the number of selected agents and try again.

    The following table describes the display items of the Event History window.

  9. Click Close at the upper right of the Event History window to close the window.

    The Event History window closes.

Supplemental information:
  • If no displayable event exists, a message indicating this is displayed.

  • The display conditions set in this operation are available only while the Event History window is being displayed, and the settings are not saved.

Reference note:

If the number of records exceeds the maximum number of records, the records from the oldest one to the maximum number of records are displayed.