
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Service Support Operator's Guide

1.3.2 Escalation to other processes

This subsection describes the escalation of an Item to another process, using the example of an incident. If the investigation shows that an inquiry does not relate to a known fault, it is escalated to problem management.

Figure 1‒7: Escalation


To escalate an Item to another process, you need to select the Item that you want to escalate in the main window (Item list) and open the Specify an escalation destination window. When you specify an escalation destination in the Specify an escalation destination window, the New item window appears with the information of the original Item already filled in. After adding the information needed at the escalation destination, you can register the Item with the target process by selecting Register from the menu.

Those in charge of the target process are then required to resolve the Item in the same manner as if they had registered it themselves.

As shown in the following figure, you can view the status of escalated Items at the escalation source.

Figure 1‒8: Viewing the status of escalated Items


In the Item list of the main window (Item list), you can see whether an Item has been escalated. You can also view the status of escalated Items in the Status of related item window.