
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Operations Analytics REST API Reference Guide

1.3.7 Members of collectors

This section explains the Members of collectors (Collectors resource).

Member name Data type Description Whether to change Whether applicable to filter conditions ($query) Whether applicable to sort conditions ($order-by)
instanceID long ID for identifying instances N Y Y
name string Collector name Y Y Y
collectorType boolean Collector type. For details about the specifiable values, see the table ProtocolType in 1.6 List of enumerators.

The specifiable values are as follows:

  • AJS
  • PFM
  • IM
  • HTTP
N Y (only to eq, ne, not in) N
osType enum Type of OS. This member is only set when the collectorType is AJS, PFM, or IM. For details about the specifiable values, see the table CollectorOsType in 1.6 List of enumerators. N N N
autoCollectionType enum Settings for periodic executions of the collector. For details about the specifiable values, see the table ConnectType in 1.6 List of enumerators. N Y (only to eq, ne, in, not in) N
connectResult enum Last execution result of the collector. For details about the specifiable values, see the table ConnectStatusType in 1.6 List of enumerators.

The specifiable values are as follows:

  • NoConnect
  • Succeeded
  • Failed
N Y (only to eq, ne, in, not in) N
refreshStatus enum Execution status of the collector. For details about the specifiable values, see the table ConnectStatusType in 1.6 List of enumerators.

The specifiable values are as follows:

  • NoConnect
  • InProgress
message string Message of the execution result of the collector N N N
lastRefreshed ISO8601String The date and time when information for the following was last updated:
  • refreshDateForInventory
  • refreshDateForPerformance
  • refreshDateForState
refreshDateForInventory ISO8601String Refresh date and time for the configuration information N N N
refreshDateForPerformance ISO8601String Refresh date and time for the performance information N N N
refreshDateForState ISO8601String Date and time when the state information is to be refreshed. This value can be obtained when all of the following conditions are met:
  • The type of collector is VCENTER.
  • The collection interval settings of "State Monitoring (VM/Hypervisor)" are enabled.
numOfHypervisors int Number of hypervisors found by the collector N N N
numOfVms int Number of virtual machines found by the collector N N N
numOfApplications int Number of applications found by the collector N N N
numOfServices integer Number of services found by the collector N N N
numOfContainers int Number of container nodes found by the collector N N N
numOfResources int Number of management resources found by the collector N N N
collectorCredentials CollectorCredential[] Authentication information used for connections to monitoring targets. For details, see 1.3.8 Members of authentication information used by collectors. -- -- --
productName string Collected-product name N Y Y
providerName string Provider name N Y Y
refreshDateForApp ISO8601String Date definition was applied N N N
plugin plugin Defail information of the plug-in applied to the collector N N N

(Legend) Y: Applicable, N: Not applicable, --: Not supported