
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Integrated Management 2 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

IM-View settings file (tuning.conf)

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tuning.conf (IM-View settings file)

tuning.conf.model (model file for the IM-View settings file)

Storage directory



This file defines the operation of JP1/IM - View, such as the number of connected-host log entries in the Login window, the operation when the Event Console window is displayed, and whether data can be copied to the clipboard.

Specify each item in the tuning.conf file in the format parameter-name=value. The following lines are ignored in the definition file:

When the definitions are applied

The definition takes effect after JP1/IM - View is restarted.

Information that is specified


Specifies the number of entries (hosts to which connection has been made) that are to be displayed in the Host to connect list box in the login window.

The permitted value range is from 0 to 20. If 0 is specified, no history of connected hosts is displayed. If this parameter is omitted, 5 is assumed. The default is 5.


Specifies whether the Tool Launcher is to be started when the Event Console window is displayed. If you specify ON, the Tool Launcher window is opened when the Event Console window is displayed. If you specify OFF, the Tool Launcher window is not opened when the Event Console window is displayed. If this parameter is omitted, OFF is assumed. The default is OFF.


Specifies whether the List of Action Results window is to be displayed when the Event Console window is displayed. If you specify ON, the List of Action Results window is opened when the Event Console window is displayed. If you specify OFF, the List of Action Results window is not opened when the Event Console window is displayed. If this parameter is omitted, OFF is assumed. The default is OFF.


Specifies the start path of the Web browser that is to be used to open the Tool Launcher and monitor windows. The default is that this parameter is not specified. If you specify this parameter, you must add a parameter in the definition file.

When you specify a path, express \ as \\. Do not enclose the start path name in double-quotation marks ("). Make sure that the specified Web browser is supported by the Tool Launcher and the application that is started when monitor windows are opened.

If this parameter is omitted, the Web browser associated with files of the .html file type on the host is used. Specify this parameter in order to use a Web browser that is not associated with files of the .html file type (including a different version of the same Web browser).


Specifies whether the function for copying JP1 event information, action results, and command execution results to the clipboard is to be enabled.

Specifying ON enables the function for copying to the clipboard. When it is enabled, you use this function by selecting the information in the JP1/IM - View window that you want to copy, and then pressing the Ctrl and C keys to copy it in CSV format to the clipboard. In the Event Console window, Copy is displayed in the Edit menu.

Specifying OFF disables the function for copying to the clipboard.

If this parameter is omitted, ON is assumed.


Specifies whether to display the names of JP1 users who have logged in previously in the User name text box of the Login window. When 1 is specified, the names of users who logged in previously are displayed. When 0 is specified, the names are hidden. If you omit this parameter, or if you specify a value other than 0 or 1, 1 is assumed. The default is 1.


You can prevent the name of the logged-in JP1 user from being displayed in the title of the Monitoring Tree window, the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window, the Event Console window, the Execute Command window, and the List of Action Results window. The ON specification displays the name of the logged-in JP1 user. The OFF specification hides name of the logged-in JP1 user. The default is ON. If you omit this parameter, or if you specify a value other than ON or OFF, ON is assumed. The value is case sensitive.

Example definition

# *************************************************************
# * JP1/Integrated Management - View   Tuning definition file *
# *************************************************************
# Input history maximum number in connected hostname input field on log in screen
# Tool Launcher is automatically started at log in whether (ON) (OFF).
# List of Action Result is automatically started at log in whether (ON) (OFF).
# Copies JP1 event information, action results, and command execution results to the clipboard (ON) (OFF).
# Displays the names of previously logged-in users in the Login window (1) (0).
# Displays the user name in the window title bar (ON) (OFF).