
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Data Highway - Server Configuration and Administration Guide

3.5.2 Resource monitoring

You need to use a tool, such as a resource monitoring tool, to monitor the usage of resources listed in the table below in order to check the running JP1/DH - Server for resource shortage.

You can view system and resource usage summaries in the System Monitor window, which system administrators can open on the web interface. For more information, see the JP1/Data Highway - Server System Administrator Guide.

Table 3‒31: Monitored resource

Monitored resource


CPU usage

High CPU usage can lead to a declining system response time over time. In this case, the system might be running out of CPU resources compared to CPU usage.

If this happens, you need to consider operations, such as installing additional CPUs, or adding a JP1/DH - Server server so that users can share the servers.

Memory usage

High memory usage can lead to an out-of-memory error or a declining system response time over time. In this case, the system might be running out of memory resources compared to memory usage.

If this happens, you need to consider operations, such as installing extra memory to set a larger value for the Java heap size of the JP1/DH - Server server, or adding a JP1/DH - Server server so that users can share the servers.

Disk I/O

High disk I/O can lead to a declining system response time over time. In this case, the system might be running out of disk I/O performance compared to disk usage.

If this happens, you need to take measures such as replacing your hard disks with ones that offer higher disk I/O performance.

Disk usage

Insufficient free disk space due to high disk usage can cause an error, preventing the system from working properly. The errors include storage errors of files to be sent or received, data storage errors in the database, and write errors of files necessary to run the system such as server logs.

If disk usage becomes higher, you need to have free disk space by backing up unnecessary log files and other files, or consider adding extra disk space by installing another disk drive.

Network usage

High network usage can lead to declining throughput values of file transfers recorded in the JP1/DH - Server audit log. In this case, the system can be running out of network bandwidth compared to system usage.

If this happens, you need to consider increasing the capacity in your network infrastructure so that the system can use more network bandwidth.