
JP1 Version 12 Job Management: Getting Started (High-speed Transfer of Huge Files)

2.2.4 Using the Send and Receive App

InJP1/DH - Server, you can download the Send and Receive App and use it to send and receive files and messages.

This section describes the steps required to use the App.

  1. From the Send/Receive drop-down menu, select App.

  2. Click Send and Receive App in the menu in the left side of the window.

    A window for downloading the Send and Receive App appears.

    The download window can also be displayed by clicking the Send and Receive App link at the footer.

  3. Download the installer or zip file depending on the client OS.

    Save the downloaded file in a folder.


  4. Unzip the downloaded file and install the application.

    • For Windows (with the installer):

      Right-click to unzip it and click aftsetup.exe.

      Follow the steps in the installer to complete the setup.

      Select where to install the App. By default, the App is installed in the following folder:

      C:\Program Files\ Data Highway Client

      A folder for the application is created in the Start menu when the setup completes.

    • For Windows (with the zip file):

      Right-click the downloaded and select Expand All to unzip the file.

      Do one of the following:

      - Right-click the file 00_prepare.bat that is immediately under the folder into which the zip file was unzipped, and then run it with administrator rights.

      - Right-click the file config.aftxc that is immediately under the folder into which the zip file was unzipped, and then select Open with, Choose default program, and Browse. Click AFTClient.exe in the same folder.

      Close since the Send and Receive App setting screen opens.

    • For macOS

      Double-click AFTClient.dmg to expand it.

      Drag and drop the icon of Data Highway to the Applications icon.

  5. If the server certificate was issued by a non-public authority, import it.

    • For Windows (with the installer):

      Run Import Certificate.bat in the Start menu as an administrator.The command prompt window appears.

      - Enter the path to the certificate in Input certificate file path:.

      - Enter a name (alphanumeric characters only) in Input certificate alias:.

      You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.When you see Completed, you are all set.

    • For Windows (with the zip file):

      Unzip the zip file and run Import Certificate.bat in the resulting folder.The command prompt window appears.

      - Enter the path to the certificate in Input certificate file path:.

      - Enter a name (alphanumeric characters only) in Input certificate alias:.

      You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.When you see Completed, you are all set.

    • For macOS

      Run the following command:


      /Applications/Data\ Highway\ -import -file path-to-the-certificate -alias an-alphanumeric-only-string -keystore /Applications/Data\ Highway\ -storepass changeit -trustcacerts


      You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.