
JP1 Version 12 Job Management: Getting Started (High-speed Transfer of Huge Files)

1.6 Setting the network configuration

Edit the httpsd.conf file to install a server certificate for SSL (HTTPS) communication and enable access from client machines to JP1/DH - Server.



  1. Use a text editor to open the httpsd.conf file.

    The httpsd.conf file is stored in the following location:


  2. For SSLCertificateFile, specify the path of the server certificate.

    SSLCertificateFile "server certificate-file-path"

    Specify the path of the server certificate file for the test or production environment. Do not use multi-byte characters or Unicode supplementary characters in the file path.

  3. For SSLCertificateKeyFile, specify the path of the secret key.

    SSLCertificateKeyFile "secret-key-file-path"

    Specify the path of the secret key file for the test or production environment. Do not use multi-byte characters or Unicode supplementary characters in the file path.

  4. For ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse, specify the server host name.

    ProxyPass / http://server-host-name-(FQDN)/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://server-host-name-(FQDN)/

    Specify the server host name in lower-case characters. If you specify it by using other characters, the server will not work correctly.

  5. For ThreadsPerChild, specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions for transmitting data by JP1/DH - Server.

    ThreadsPerChild maximum-number-of-concurrent-sessions

    You can specify a maximum of 1,024 for the maximum number of concurrent sessions.

  6. Close the httpsd.conf file.

  7. Execute deploy_websvr.bat to apply the settings in the httpsd.conf file to JP1/DH - Server.

    deploy_websvr.bat is stored in the following location:


Operation result

A server certificate for SSL (HTTPS) communication is installed, and client machines can access JP1/DH - Server.


Start JP1/DH - Server.

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