
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting

2.6.2 Troubleshooting problems related to standard jobs, HTTP connection jobs, action jobs, and custom jobs

This subsection describes how to troubleshoot problems that might occur when you execute standard jobs, HTTP connection jobs, action jobs, and custom jobs.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Executing a standard job, action job, or custom job results in a startup failure

Possible causes are as follows:

(2) Executing an HTTP connection job results in a startup failure

Possible causes are as follows:

A job might be unable to start or execution of a job might be delayed if the job cannot access a network.

(3) Executing a standard job, action job, or custom job results in an abnormal end

Possible causes are as follows:

(4) Executing an HTTP connection job results in an abnormal end

Possible causes are as follows:

(5) The status of a standard job, HTTP connection job, action job, or custom job does not change

Possible causes are as follows:

(6) Registering a standard job, action job or custom job, or manipulating a queue results in an access permission error

An invalid access permission has been set for the JP1/Base authentication server.

Specify the correct access permission for the JP1_Queue resource group. Registering jobs and manipulating queues require one of the following permissions: JP1_JPQ_Admin, JP1_JPQ_Operator, and JP1_JPQ_User.

(7) The shell does not read environment variables (AIX only)

In AIX, the information in /etc/environment is not inherited.

See the explanation in 13.4.2 Changing the login scripts in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide, and change the login script. The following example shows how to change the login script:

if [ "$JP1JobID" != "" ] ; then
 . /etc/environment
 export environment-variable-to-be-specified

After /etc/environment has been read, execute the export command for the environment variable to be specified.

Cautionary notes
  • The above setting is valid only for sh and ksh (.profile). It is invalid for other shell scripts such as csh.

  • When you specify the above setting, /etc/environment is read into the login script, possibly causing and the setting sequence of the information to change. Therefore, when you add processing that reads /etc/environment into the login script, check whether the environment variables set in /etc/environment are also specified in the login script. In addition, be careful about where you add /etc/environment. We recommend that you set the login script to read /etc/environment at the beginning of the login script.

(8) A job ends normally without executing the job process

In UNIX, JP1/AJS3 executes the login script when it executes a job. When the login script contains a command that ends the login script, such as the exit command shown below, the job ends normally before the job process is executed.

 /usr/bin/sh ; exit

To avoid premature ending of the job, change the login script so that the exit command is not executed.

For details about how to change the login script, see 13.4.2 Changing the login scripts in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

(9) Automatic retry is not performed when the retry interval has elapsed

Automatic retry might be delayed if there are a large number of jobs. Temporarily change the jobnet schedule or forcibly terminate the executing units to reduce the number of jobs that are executed simultaneously.

To set up automatic retry, you need to estimate the number of jobs, which also includes the number of retry executions. For details, see 1.3 Design considerations in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

(10) A task is delayed because automatic retry is performed concurrently for jobs

If jobs being executed on an agent host have ended concurrently due to, for example, an error on the agent host, automatic retry is performed for these jobs concurrently, increasing the number of jobs.

If you detect that the task is delayed because automatic retry has caused the number of jobs to increase, execute the ajsagtalt command to restrict jobs from being accepted on the execution agent where the error occurred. After agent host recovery, execute the ajsagtalt command again to cancel the restriction on job acceptance.

If automatic retry occurs when an error that requires some time for recovery has occurred, the increasing number of jobs might affect job execution performance. Therefore, when setting up automatic retry, specify the smallest necessary range of return codes. For details about automatic retry, see 2.4.13 Automatic retry for abnormally ending jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.