
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Navigation Platform Development Guide

2.1 Overview of Navigation Platform plugins

Navigation Platform provides two types of plugins: System Plugins that do not need to be developed and User Plugins that need to be developed. This manual describes User Plugins (referred to as plugins hereafter).

The entity of a plugin is an EAR file. Developers use Eclipse in a development environment to create plugin EAR files of Navigation Platform. By deploying EAR files created in the development environment into Navigation Platform (J2EE server) in an editing environment or execution environment, Content Editors and Content users are able to use plugins.

Plugins deployed in Navigation Platform (J2EE server) might be called J2EE applications. The following indicates the relationship between plugin EAR files and the Navigation Platform EAR file.

Figure 2‒1: Image of plugins incorporated in Navigation Platform


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