
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

A.5 List of plug-ins contained in service templates

The service templates of JP1/AO listed in the following table are designed to provide plug-ins. This appendix describes the plug-ins contained in these service templates.

Table A‒10: List of service templates that provide plug-ins

Service template name


Utility Components

JP1/AO standard-package service template

AWS Components

JP1/AO Content Pack service templates

HCS Components

Hyper-V2008 Components

Hyper-V2012 Components

Hyper-V2016 Components

OpenStack Components

Oracle Components

vSphere Components

Organization of this subsection

(1) List of plug-ins contained in Utility Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in Utility Components.

Table A‒11: List of plug-ins contained in Utility Components

Display Name


Moving an object in the Active Directory

Active Directory-related Plug-ins

Searching for an object in the Active Directory

Delete an object from the Active Directory instance

Acquiring a group member list in the Active Directory

Changing the group attribute in the Active Directory

Add a group to the Active Directory instance

Changing the OU attribute of the Active Directory

Acquiring a UPN list in the Active Directory

Adding an OU to the Active Directory

Unlocking user account in the Active Directory

Changing the user password in the Active Directory

Modify user attributes on the Active Directory instance

Add a user to the Active Directory instance

Delete a member from an existing Active Directory group

Add a member to an existing Active Directory group

Changing the attribute of the contact in the Active Directory

Adding a contact in the Active Directory

JP1 silent install (UNIX)

JP1-related Plug-ins

JP1 silent install (Windows)

JP1 apply patch (UNIX)

JP1 apply patch (Windows)

Register for JP1/AJS jobnet fixed execution

JP1/AJS-related Plug-ins

Forced termination of JP1/AJS jobnet

Register for JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution

Re-execute JP1/AJS jobnet

Change JP1/AJS jobnet execution schedule

Stop JP1/AJS jobnet execution

Register JP1/AJS jobnet for execution

JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

Suspend JP1/AJS jobnet

Change hold attribute for JP1/AJS jobnet

Change JP1/AJS job status

Get JP1/AJS jobnet execution results

Get JP1/AJS troubleshooting information


Obtain Status of JP1/AJS


Check JP1/AJS unit existence

Start event service of JP1/Base(UNIX)

JP1/Base-related Plug-ins

Obtain event service Status of JP1/Base

Stop event service of JP1/Base(UNIX)

Get JP1/Base troubleshooting information

Change password management information in JP1/Base

Change password management information in JP1/Base(SYSTEM)

Add JP1/Base user mapping

Add JP1/Base user mapping(SYSTEM)

Start JP1/Base(UNIX)

Obtain Status of JP1/Base

Stop JP1/Base(UNIX)

Delete JP1/Base user mapping

Delete JP1/Base user mapping(SYSTEM)

JP1/Base common definition information setting

Set JP1/Base permissions

Set JP1/Base permissions(SYSTEM)

Registration of a JP1 event

Change JP1 user password

Change JP1 user password(SYSTEM)

Get list of JP1 users

Delete JP1 user

Delete JP1 user(SYSTEM)

Delete JP1 user permissions

Delete JP1 user permissions(SYSTEM)

Add JP1 user

Add JP1 user(SYSTEM)

Delete OS user information

Delete OS user information(SYSTEM)

Check mapping information

Collect JP1/IM troubleshooting information

JP1/IM-related Plug-ins

Changing the JP1 event action status

Get JP1 event

Output of the NNMi topology database content

JP1/NNMi-related Plug-ins

Delete monitored node

Add monitored node

Set Store database storage conditions

JP1/PFM-related Plug-ins

Copy alarm table (JP1/PFM)

Delete alarm table (JP1/PFM)

Acquire alarm table information (JP1/PFM)

Get list of alarm table names (JP1/PFM - RM)

Unbind alarm (JP1/PFM - RM)

Bind alarm (JP1/PFM - RM)

Import alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

Export alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

Set agent hierarchy

Synchronize service information

Get list of process monitoring settings

Add process monitoring settings

Get report

Add monitoring setting (JP1/PFM - RM)

Delete monitoring target (JP1/PFM - RM)

Add monitoring target (JP1/PFM - RM)

Display monitoring targets (JP1/PFM - RM)

Update JP1/IM-SS Instance

JP1/SS-related Plug-ins

Register JP1/IM-SS Instance

Execute instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

JP1/VERITAS-related Plug-ins

End instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

Initialize Backup Policy (VMware)

Change Backup Policy Attributes (VMware)

Create Backup Policy

Add Schedule to Backup Policy

Change Backup Policy Schedule Attributes

Add Clients to Backup Policy

Add File List to Backup Policy

Perform backup (JP1/VERITAS)

Virtual-machine restoration

Rename-file creation

Update cell data in a CSV/Excel file

OS-related Plug-ins

Acquisition of cell data from a CSV/Excel file

Division of data from a CSV/Excel file

Acquisition of row data from a CSV/Excel file

Acquisition of row data from a CSV/Excel file(SYSTEM)

Acquisition of column data from a CSV/Excel file

Acquisition of column data from a CSV/Excel file(SYSTEM)

Send ICMP echo request message

Set IP address

Operate OS Service

Change password for OS user

Change password for OS user(SYSTEM)

Get list of OS users

Delete OS user

Delete OS user(SYSTEM)

Output OS type

Shutdown Server

Restart Server

Extract character string in a text file

Copy file

Obtaining the file size

Compressing a file

Decompressing a file

Obtaining the latest update time stamp of a file

Converting the character encoding of a file

Acquiring access authority of a file or folder

Confirm file or folder existence

Moving a file

Obtaining a file list

Delete file

Delete file(SYSTEM)

Create folder

Delete folder

Acquiring process information

Get host name

Execution Wait

Calculating dates and times

Obtain date and time

Comparing dates and times

Sorting character strings

Filter Text

Search Text

Replace character string

Adding a character string

Notifications by TELstaff

TELstaff-related Plug-ins

Add OS user (UNIX)

UNIX-related Plug-ins

Change file or directory access permissions

Get CSV data

Windows-related Plug-ins

Send ICMP echo request message (confirm no response)

Changing the account for the OS service

Startup setting for the OS service

Set group of OS user (Windows)

Set group of OS user (Windows)(SYSTEM)

Add OS user (Windows)

Add OS user (Windows)(SYSTEM)

Execute SQL Query

Configure Windows firewall

Get event list from Event log

Create event for Event log

Printing a file (in Windows)

Change file or folder access permissions

Time determination

(2) List of plug-ins contained in AWS Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in AWS Components.

Table A‒12: List of plug-ins contained in AWS Components

Display Name


AMI creation

AWS-related Plug-ins

Stack creation

Stack deletion

Stack information list

Creating a snapshot

Deleting a snapshot

Acquiring a list of information about snapshots

Uploading a file

Downloading a file

Deleting a file

Virtual server resources configuration

Shut down a virtual server

Start a virtual server

Create a virtual server

Delete a virtual server

Virtual server information list

Obtain status of virtual server

(3) List of plug-ins contained in HCS Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in HCS Components.

Table A‒13: List of plug-ins contained in HCS Components

Display Name


Create DP volume

HCS-related Plug-ins

Delete DP volume

Check HDvM connectivity

Check LU creation

Get storage information list

Delete LU from host group

Register LU in host group

(4) List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2008 Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2008 Components.

Table A‒14: List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2008 Components

Display Name


Create a response file

Hyper-V2008-related Plug-ins

Obtain the IP address of a virtual server

Shut down a virtual server

Virtual server virtual switch settings

Start a virtual server

Create a virtual server

Delete a virtual server

Obtain a virtual server information list

Obtain the virtual server status

Add a disk to the virtual server

Unmount a virtual disk

Mount a virtual disk

(5) List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2012 Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2012 Components.

Table A‒15: List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2012 Components

Display Name


Create a response file

Hyper-V2012-related Plug-ins

Change CPU Settings of Virtual Server

Obtain IP Address of Virtual Server

Shut down a virtual server

Change Memory Settings of Virtual Server

Virtual server virtual switch settings

Start a virtual server

Create a virtual server

Delete Virtual Servers

Obtain the virtual server information list

Obtain Status of Virtual Server

Unmount a virtual disk

Mount a virtual disk

Create Virtual Disk

Connect Virtual Disk

(6) List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2016 Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2016 Components.

Table A‒16: List of plug-ins contained in Hyper-V2016 Components

Display Name


Create a response file

Hyper-V2016-related Plug-ins

Change CPU Settings of Virtual Server

Obtain IP Address of Virtual Server

Shut down a virtual server

Change Memory Settings of Virtual Server

Virtual server virtual switch settings

Start a virtual server

Create a virtual server

Delete Virtual Servers

Obtain the virtual server information list

Obtain Status of Virtual Server

Unmount a virtual disk

Mount a virtual disk

Create Virtual Disk

Connect Virtual Disk

(7) List of plug-ins contained in OpenStack Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in OpenStack Components.

Table A‒17: List of plug-ins contained in OpenStack Components

Display Name


Backup Volume

OpenStack-related Plug-ins

Create Volume

Delete Volume

Disconnect volume

Connect Volume

Create Temporary Volume

Obtain IP Address of Virtual Server

Activate Virtual Server

Create a virtual server

Delete virtual server

Get list of virtual server information

Obtain Status of Virtual Server

(8) List of plug-ins contained in Oracle Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in Oracle Components.

Table A‒18: List of plug-ins contained in Oracle Components

Display Name


Start an Oracle DB instance

Oracle-related Plug-ins

Stop an Oracle DB instance

Delete an Oracle DB user

Add an Oracle DB user (UNIX)

Add an Oracle DB user (Windows)

(9) List of plug-ins contained in vSphere Components

The following table lists the plug-ins contained in vSphere Components.

Table A‒19: List of plug-ins contained in vSphere Components

Display Name


DRS automation level setting for the DRS clusters

vSphere-related Plug-ins

Add a DRS rule (from virtual server to host)

Set maintenance mode for the ESX server

Move the ESX server

Obtain list of virtual network information for the ESX server

Set FC path priority

Set virtual server options for the HA cluster

Monitoring settings for the virtual server in the HA cluster

Recognize LUN

Get canonical name of SCSI LUN

Script execution through the vCenter server

File deletion through the vCenter server

File transmission through the vCenter server

Folder deletion through the vCenter server

Folder transmission through the vCenter server

Check VMware vCenter Server connectivity

Create data store

Check data store creation

Delete data store

Create a template

Delete a template

Change the network adapter settings

Add a network adapter

Set traffic shaping policy for the port group

Set host DRS group

Retrieving log bundles

Set the virtual server DRS group

Get virtual server IP address

Set OS init. settings and IP addr. of virtual servers (Linux)

Set OS init. settings and IP addr. of virtual servers (Windows)

Creating a virtual server clone

Deletion of a virtual server clone

Shut down virtual server

Moving a virtual server snapshot

Creating a virtual server snapshot

Deletion of a virtual server snapshot

Migrate virtual server

Resource configuration setting of the virtual server

Pre-evaluation of resource changes in virtual server

Set virtual server resources

Pre-eval. of resource configuration changes in virtual server

Start virtual server

Create virtual server

Delete virtual server

Get power status of virtual server

Add virtual disk to virtual server

Check virtual server creation

Get list of virtual server information

Extend a virtual disk

Delete virtual disk

Change virtual machine port group

Add a port group to the standard virtual switch

Get the physical adapter information list

Set the physical adapter