
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

4.12.9 Add File List to Backup Policy


This plug-in adds a file list to the specified backup policy in cooperation with JP1/VERITAS NetBackup.

This plug-in assumes the following server:

- JP1/VERITAS NetBackup (execution-target server)

The server that runs JP1/VERITAS NetBackup (master server). This product forwards the plug-in to this server, where the plug-in is executed.

The script in this plug-in executes the following command:

- bpplinclude <backup-policy-name> Note: This is the value of the JP1VERITAS.backupPolicyName property.

-add <file-list-path> Note: This is the value of the JP1VERITAS.fileListPath property.

For details about the bpplinclude command of JP1/VERITAS NetBackup, see the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup manual.

Use situation

The following plug-ins can be used to create and set up a backup policy:

- Create Backup Policy

- Initialize Backup Policy

- Change Backup Policy Attributes

- Add Schedule to Backup Policy

- Change Backup Policy Schedule Attributes

- Add Clients to Backup Policy

- Add File List to Backup Policy


For the latest support information about [Required product for the system], [Required products for the execution-target server], and [OS of the execution-target server], see the release notes.

[Required product for the system]

JP1/Automatic Operation 11-00 or later

[Required products for the execution-target server]

(1) JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 7.6, 7.7

(2) JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

(3) JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 9.0, 9.1

[OS of the execution-target server]

(1) Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter

(2) Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter or Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter

(3) Windows Server 2016 Standard/Datacenter

(4) Windows Server 2019 Standard/Datacenter

[Conditions for using the required products on the execution-target server]

No special conditions apply.


(1) For the properties of this plug-in, do not specify a string that includes a double quotation mark (") or single quotation mark (').

(2) For the backup policy name (JP1VERITAS.backupPolicyName property), you can specify single-byte alphanumeric characters and periods (.), hyphens (-), plus signs (+), and underscores (_). However, the task terminates abnormally if the specified name begins or ends with a period (.) or hyphen (-), or includes non-specifiable characters.

(3) Do not specify a character string that includes an exclamation mark (!) or percent sign (%) in the path name (JP1VERITAS.fileListPath property) of a file list path.

(4) For other notes on the command, see the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup manual.

Execution privilege

The user who executes this plug-in must be a member of the Administrators group.



Plug-in tags

Control JP1,VERITAS,Windows

Plug-in name displayed in the task log


Return code

0: Normal

21: Error (invalid environment) Command cannot be found (error detected in the plug-in script)

27: Error (check task logs for the nature of error)

41: Error (error detected in plug-in) Missing property (error detected in plug-in script)

Property list

The following table lists the properties:

Property key

Property name


Default value

I/O type



Host name of the execution target server

Specify the host name or IP address of the server on which this plugin will be executed. IPv6 addresses are not supported.





Backup Policy Name

Specifies the name of the backup policy.





File List Paths

Specifies the full paths of file lists to be added to the backup policy by using a comma (,) as a separator. Note that the currently specifiable value is only "ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES", which is specifiable only for a policy in VMware format.





Return value for the plugin

The return value of this plugin stored.

