
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

4.12.1 Execute instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)


This plugin uses the latest backup of a virtual server created on the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup server to perform instant recoveries (the nbrestorevm -ir_activate command) of the virtual server on the backup-source JP1/VERITAS NetBackup server. The plugin confirms that the instant recovery job has started normally (that is, the instant recovery job for the specified virtual server name exists in the output results of the nbrestorevm -ir_listvm command). Then, the plugin outputs the details list (output results of the nbrestorevm -ir_listvm command) for the running instant recovery job to the details list output file (JP1VERITAS.jobListOutputFileName) for this instant recovery job. The specified virtual server is instantly recovered to the ESX server that was managed when the virtual server was backed up.

The following describes the notes on setting properties.

- If you specify "true" for the JP1VERITAS.startVM property (whether to start the virtual server), the virtual server starts after the instant recovery job is executed. If you specify a value other than "true", the virtual server does not start.

- Specify a created data store for the temporary data store name (JP1VERITAS.dataStoreName property).

- If the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup master server and media server exist on different servers, specify the host name of the media server in the JP1VERITAS.mediaServerHost property.

- The virtual server name (JP1VERITAS.vmName property) is not case sensitive.

- To confirm that the instant recovery job has started normally, the plugin waits for the time (seconds) specified for the wait interval (JP1VERITAS.waitJobActInterval property), and then performs confirmation operations the number of times specified for the wait count (JP1VERITAS.waitJobActCount property). If the job starts by the time the confirmation is performed the specified number of times, the plugin ends normally. If the job does not start, the plugin ends abnormally.

- For the temporary data store name (JP1VERITAS.dataStoreName property), specify the name of the data store managed by the destination ESX server for instant recovery.

This plugin requires the following server:

- JP1/VERITAS NetBackup server (execution target server)

The server on which JP1/VERITAS NetBackup (master server) runs

Use situation

This plugin is used to start the instance recovery to quickly recover a VMWare virtual server backed up on the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup server.


See the Release Notes for the latest support statuses of prerequisite products in the system, prerequisite products on the execution target server, and OSs of prerequisite products on the execution target server.

Prerequisite products for the system:

JP1/Automatic Operation 11-00 or later

Prerequisite products for the execution-target server:

(1)JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 7.6, 7.7

(2)JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

(3)JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 9.0, 9.1

OSs of prerequisite products on the execution target server:

(1) Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter

(2) Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter, Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter

(3) Windows Server 2016 Standard/Datacenter

(4) Windows Server 2019 Standard/Datacenter

(5) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

(6) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (64-bit x86_64)

(7) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8 (64-bit x86_64)

Conditions for using the execution-target server:

(1) On the JP1/VERITAS NetBackup server, a backup of the virtual server specified by the virtual server name (JP1VERITAS.vmName property) must be created under the following conditions:

- The VM display name must be specified as the Primary VM identifier in the backup policy.

- The Windows server must be specified as the backup host in the backup policy.

(2) Conditions relating to virtual servers

- The virtual servers being managed by a vCenter instance must have unique names.

- For the virtual servers managed by a vCenter instance, the virtual server specified for the virtual server name (JP1VERITAS.vmName property) must not exist.


(1) Do not specify a string containing a double-quotation mark (") or single quotation mark (') for a property of this plugin.

(2) Do not simultaneously execute this plugin and the nbrestorevm -ir_activate command with the same virtual server name specified (in the JP1VERITAS.vmName property). If they are executed simultaneously, even if the plugin ends normally, the instant recovery job might not start normally. Therefore, confirm that the following items in the details list for the running instant recovery job are set to the values specified for this plugin: Virtual server name (VM Display Name), temporary data store name (Temporary datastore name for writes), and the media server name (Media Server Name), which needs to be checked only if the host name of the media server (JP1VERITAS.mediaServerHost property) is specified.

(3) If the virtual server for which the instant recovery job is running is specified for the virtual server name (JP1VERITAS.vmName property), the plugin ends abnormally.

(4) If the file specified for the detail-list output file name for the running instant recovery job (JP1VERITAS.jobListOutputFileName property) already exists, the existing file is overwritten. Therefore, take special care to confirm that the specified file name is correct.

(5) If no folder is included in the path to the file to be created, a folder will be created.

Execution privilege

- For Windows, users must belong to the Administrators group.

- For UNIX, users must have root privileges.



Plug-in tags

Control JP1,VERITAS,Windows,Linux

Plug-in name displayed in the task log


Return code

0: Normal

12: Error (Mistake by user) Invalid property

21: Error (Environmental error) No command was found (An error was detected in the component script)

27: Error (Check with the task log about the error detail) Unidentified error

41: Error (An error was detected in the component) Property not entered (An error was detected in the component script)

Property list

The following table lists the properties:

Property key

Property name


Default value

I/O type



Host name of the execution target server

Specify the host name or IP address of the server on which this plugin will be executed. IPv6 addresses are not supported.





Media server host name

Specifies the host name of the media server for JP1/VERITAS NetBackUp. Specify this parameter if the master server and media server are different computers.





Temporary datastore name

Specifies the temporary datastore on the ESX server to which snapshots are written until the virtual server is restored. Specify an existing datastore.





Virtual server name

Specifies the name of the virtual server. Note that the name you specify is the display name for the virtual server in VMware vCenter Server, rather than the host name in the OS.





Whether to start the virtual server

To start the virtual server after the instant recovery, specify "true". If the value of this property is not "true", the instant recovery ends without starting the virtual server.





File of the details list for the current instant recovery job

Specifies the full path name of the details list file that is output for the instant recovery job that is currently running.





Startup check count for instant recovery jobs

Specifies the maximum number of times the startup of the instant recovery job is checked. You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 3,600.





Startup check interval for instant recovery jobs

Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the startup of the instant recovery job is checked. You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 60.





Return value for the plugin

The return value of this plugin stored.

