
JP1 Version 11 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Smart Device Manager

G.2 Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (certutil reqgen command)

This section describes how to use the certutil reqgen command to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The created CSR file is submitted to the CA, which then issues the signed certificate. The CSR is created in the format conforming to PKCS #10.


certutil reqgen [-sign signature-algorithm] -key key-file -out CSR-file


-sign signature-algorithm

Specify the signature algorithm used when the CSR is created. The following signature algorithms can be specified:

  • MD5

    md5WithRSAEncryption is used.

  • SHA1

    sha1WithRSAEncryption is used.

  • SHA224

    sha224WithRSAEncryption is used.

  • SHA256

    sha256WithRSAEncryption is used.

  • SHA384

    sha384WithRSAEncryption is used.

  • SHA512

    sha512WithRSAEncryption is used.

If this argument is omitted, SHA1 is assumed.

-key key-file

Specify the Web server private key file. Specify the private key file created by using the keygen command.

-out CSR-file

Specify the file to which the created CSR is output.


To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) by using the Web server private key file httpsdkey.pem, specify as follows:

certutil reqgen -sign SHA1 -key httpsdkey.pem -out httpsd.csr

If you have set a password when creating the private key for the Web server, you are prompted to enter the password. For the items to be set, follow the instructions from the CA to which you submit the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).