
JP1 Version 11 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Smart Device Manager

sdmnetchange (changing the network configuration for the smart device manager or communication server)

This command changes the connection destination address and port number set on the smart device manager or communication server.

Organization of this page


This command changes the connection destination address and port number set on the smart device manager or communication server.

Execute this command on the target smart device manager or communication server.

Format 1

sdmnetchange -target Manager -port port-number

Format 2

sdmnetchange -target Comsrv {-db database-address | -port port-number | -db database-address -port port-number}


-target {Manager | Comsrv}

Specify the name of the target server.

Manager: For the smart device manager

Comsrv: For the communication server

-db database-address

Specify this argument to change the database address (connection destination IP address). You can specify this argument only when the target server is the communication server.

-port port-number

Specify this argument to change the connection destination port number for the database. You must specify this argument if the target server is the smart device manager.

Note that the port number to be specified differs depending on whether the target server is the smart device manager or the communication server. If the target server is the smart device manager, specify the port number of the smart device manager. If the target server is the communication server, specify the port number of the communication server.

Storage location

In JP1/ITDM2 - SDM (Smart Device Manager):

JP1/ITDM2 - SDM (Smart Device Manager)-installation-folder\mgr\bin

In JP1/ITDM2 - SDM (Communication Server):

JP1/ITDM2 - SDM (Communication Server)-installation-folder\cms\bin

Execution permissions

Administrator permissions (this command is executed from the administrator's console if the Windows UAC function is enabled)


Return values

Return value



The command finished normally.


The format for specifying the command arguments is invalid.


You do not have the permissions to execute this command.


The specified server is not correct, or the operating environment of JP1/ITDM2 - SDM (Smart Device Manager) is invalid.


The file does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it.


Another command is being executed.


Failed to open the XML file.


Failed to stop the JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager Server Service.


Failed to start the JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager Server Service.


Failed to stop the JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager (Communication Server Service).


Failed to start the JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager (Communication Server Service).


The alias name is not correct.


The password is not correct.


JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager Server Service is running.

Stop the service in the Windows Services window, and then re-execute the command.


JP1/ITDM2 - Smart Device Manager (Communication Server Service) is running.

Stop the service in the Windows Services window, and re-execute the command.


Other error occurred.


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