
JP1 Version 11 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Smart Device Manager

1.3.5 Working with the Distribution module

In the Distribution module, you can manage applications to be distributed to smart devices. You can also distribute applications to smart devices, and send instructions to smart devices to request the users to install the applications. You can also send instructions to smart devices to request the users to uninstall the distributed applications, and then remove the applications.

The Distribution module provides the following views:

Each view is described next.

Distributed Application List view

You can view a list of applications to be distributed to smart devices, and a summary of the distributed applications.


Android Application view

You can view a list of Android applications registered in JP1/ITDM2 - SDM.


When you select an Android application in the upper part of the information area, a list of smart devices is displayed by distribution status in each tab in the lower part. Three types of distribution status are displayed: Not Distributed, Distributed, and Installed. You can also distribute to and remove applications from smart devices, and send instructions to smart devices to request users to install or uninstall applications.

iOS Application view

You can view a list of iOS applications registered in JP1/ITDM2 - SDM.


When you select an iOS application in the upper part of the information area, a list of smart devices is displayed by distribution status in each tab in the lower part. There are two distribution statuses: not installed and installed. Also, you can send instructions to each smart device to request the user to install applications onto, or uninstall applications from, the device.