
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Data Highway - Server System Administrator Guide

3.6 Editing the standard authentication policy

This section describes how to edit the standard authentication policy.

The standard authentication policy serves as the default authentication policy for the entire system.


Caution is required when you are to edit the standard authentication policy after putting JP1/DH - Server into service. If there are any users using the standard authentication policy, changes made to the standard authentication policy will affect the authentication of these users.

  1. Log in to JP1/DH - Server.

  2. Click Authentication Rules in the sidebar area, and then Authentication Policy Definitions.

    The Authentication Policies window appears in the content area.

  3. Click the menu icon ([Figure]) beside the target policy name, and then select Edit.

    The Edit Authentication policy window appears.


  4. Edit the settings.

    Specify the setting items described in the table below.

    Table 3‒1: Setting items for the standard authentication policy



    Policy Name (Japanese/Chinese) text box#1

    Enter the policy name.

    The value entered here is displayed in the Japanese and Chinese windows.

    Policy Name (English) text box #1

    Enter the policy name.

    The value entered here is displayed in the English window. You can only enter alphanumeric characters and symbols.

    Auth Methods (authentication methods)

    Select the authentication method. You can select both authentication methods.

    • Standard Password Authentication: Select this option to use password authentication.

    • Certificate Authentication: Select this option to use authentication by using an electronic certificate issued for you.

    Password Setting Policy

    Set a policy concerning the types of password that can be used.

    • Need two or more types of characters. At least two of the following four types of characters must be included: numbers, lowercase alphanumeric characters, uppercase alphanumeric characters, and symbols.

    • Do not need two or more types of characters.

    Set whether to include a user ID in the password.

    • Accept passwords with a user ID.

    • Reject passwords with a user ID.

    Expire date#2

    By default, the Indefinite check box is selected. To set an expiration date, clear the Indefinite check box and then enter a value (the number of days) in the range from 1 to 365. By default, it is set to 90 days.


    • You cannot enter the following symbols: /\?*:|"<>@^.

    • You cannot enter a name consisting only of spaces or periods (.).

    • You can enter no more than 256 alphanumeric characters and symbols.


    If you clear the Indefinite check box in the Expire date setting, the users who are currently using the applicable authentication policy must change their password the next time they log in to JP1/DH - Server.

  5. Click the Update button.

    The standard authentication policy is now updated. A dialog box appears, asking for your confirmation to update the standard authentication policy.