
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Data Highway - Server Configuration and Administration Guide

10.3.2 The list of the data transfer management command

The list of the data transfer management command is as follows. In addition, in the case of Linux, read the extension "bat" of a command name as "sh".

Table 10‒1: The list of the data transfer management command





Refer to


Message Box list acquisition

DWClientUtil.bat GETOUTBOX

Acquire the list of delivery of Out-box.

10.3.2(1) Out-box list acquisition


DWClientUtil.bat GETINBOX

Acquire the list of delivery of In-box.

10.3.2(2) In-box list acquisition


Delivery cancellation

DWClientUtil.bat CANCEL

Cancel the executing transmission and reception.

10.3.2(3) Delivery cancellation


Delivery deletion


Specify specific delivery which transmission completed and delete it.

10.3.2(4) Delivery deletion


Resource usage acquisition


Acquire resource usage (disk usage and the amount of downloads per month).

10.3.2(5) Resource usage acquisition


When you carry out the data transfer management command (DWClientUtil.bat) to 10-50 or less Japanese version Data Highway - Server, the command becomes an error.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Out-box list acquisition

Acquire the list of delivery of Out-box and output it to the execution result file. In the following cases etc, this is used.

  1. When you confirm the situation of delivery (transmitting) with status of delivery.

  2. When you identify delivery ID to appoint in "delivery cancellation" command or "delivery deletion" command.

(a) Format

DWClientUtil.bat GETOUTBOX
   [-recieverid the user ID of the address for delivery | -receivermailz the email address of the user of the address for delivery]
    -fromdate the start date to acquire information of deliveries
    -todate the end date to acquire information of deliveries
    -result the path of the execution result file
    -property the path of the Command Property File

(b) Argument

Table 10‒2: The argument of Out-box list acquisition






When you acquire delivery in Out-box, you appoint the user ID of the address for delivery that you want to limit. When you specify an unregistered user, you specify "anonymous".

When this option is omitted, all delivery that the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with the -property option) of this command performed, including the unregistered address, will be acquired.

-receivermail options and this can't be specified at the same time.



When you acquire delivery in Out-box, you appoint the email address of the user of the address for delivery that you want to limit. You can also specify an unregistered user.

When this option is omitted, all delivery that the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with the -property option) of this command performed, including the unregistered address, will be acquired.

-receiverid options and this can't be specified at the same time.



You acquire detailed information. File information is included in detailed information in addition to the delivery information.

When this option is omitted, you acquire the information that does not contain the file information.



Acquire only delivery of "The transfer is proceeding".

"The transfer is proceeding" is "being forwarded" and "suspended", and "not approved" does not include it.

When this option is omitted, all delivery that the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with -property option) of this command delivered becomes a target of the acquisition.



When you acquire delivery, you appoint the creation date of delivery (create-date) # that you limit.

You specify the starting date of the period when you want to acquire delivery, in the form of Data Highway - Server local thyme and YYYY/MM/DD.



When you acquire delivery, you appoint the creation date of delivery (create-date) # that you limit.

You specify the ending date of the period when you want to acquire delivery, in the form of Data Highway - Server local thyme and YYYY/MM/DD. The delivery information outputted contains the specified date.



Specify the path of the execution result file.

The file is outputted in XML format.



Refer to 9.3.1(2) Common options.


The creation date of delivery is the day when the user started transmission.

(c) Description

(i) When you specify -detail option

The format of the execution result file which is outputted when you specify -detail option is specified is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <delivery id="154" send-status="on-approving" create-date="2014/07/29 11:40" send-date="" shelf-life-time="2014/08/29 23:59" subject="XX development project" message="I send the documents." total-size="2364662">
            <sender id="user1@domain1" email="">
                    <file id="130" type="file" name="XX_Report.doc" size="266752"/>
                    <file id="131" type="file" name="" size="2097910"/>
                <receiver id="user2@domain1" to-type="TO" url=";id=389&amp;cc=8014d12f457e410b09bffdfbd629dcc821d2896e" email="">
                        <file id="130" download-date=""/>
                        <file id="131" download-date=""/>
                <approver email="" id="approver01@domain1"/>
(ii) When you do not specify -detail option

The format of the execution result file which is outputted when you do not specify -detail option is specified is as follows. Unlike the case where -detail option is specified, file Element, approvers Element, and message Attribute are not outputted. In addition, the receiver information outputs only the email address.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <delivery id="154" send-status="on-approving" create-date="2014/07/29 11:40" send-date="" shelf-life-time="2014/08/29 23:59" subject="XX development project" total-size="2364662">
            <sender id="user1@domain1" email=""/>
                <receiver email=""/>
(iii) Details of the execution result file format

The meanings of the elements which are outputted to the delivery information file are as follows. In addition, the special symbol in XML is transposed to the entity reference (escape character) and outputted.

Table 10‒3: The meanings of the elements of the execution result file




data/deliveries Element


It is always outputted.

delivery Element


The delivery information tag.

id Attribute


Delivery ID is outputted.

It is used to identify delivery.

send-status Attribute


The status of the delivery is outputted.

in-progress : The transfer is proceeding

failed : The transfer is failed

suspended : The transfer is suspended

on-approving : The transfer is not approved

rejected : The transfer is not denied

completed : The transfer is already sent

create-date Attribute


The creation date-time of delivery is outputted.

send-date Attribute


The sending date-time of delivery is outputted.

In the case of unapproved, it is not output.

subject Attribute


The subject of the delivery is outputted.

message Attribute


The input message of the sender outputted.

shelf-life-time Attribute


The storage expiry date is outputted.

total-size Attribute


Total data size is outputted with a number of bytes.

sender Element


The sender information tag.

id Attribute


The sender's user ID is outputted.

email Attribute


The sender's email address is outputted.

files Element


The send file/folder information tag.

file Element


The send file/folder information tag of the send file/folder unit.

id Attribute


ID of the send file/folder is outputted.

type Attribute


The type of the file/folder is outputted.

  • File : "file"

  • Folder : "folder"

name Attribute


The name of the file/folder is outputted.

size Attribute


The size of the file/folder is outputted with a number of bytes.

receivers Element


The receiver information tag.

receiver Element


The receiver is outputted. When two or more receivers exist in delivery, all the receivers that exist in delivery are outputted. Also when -receiverid option is used, all the receivers are outputted.

id Attribute


The receiver's user ID is outputted.

url Attribute


"URL for opening delivery" of the recipient outputs it.

to-type Attribute


The receiver's address type (TO|CC|BCC) is outputted.

email Attribute


The receiver's email address is outputted.

files Element


The receive file/folder information tag.

file Element


The receive file/folder information tag of the receive file/folder unit.

id Attribute


ID of the file/folder is outputted.

download-date Attribute


The date which downloaded the file/folder is outputted.

approvers Element


The approver information tag (when there is no approver this tag is not outputted).

approver Element


The approver information tag of the approver unit.

id Attribute


The approver's user ID is outputted.

email Attribute


The approver's email address is outputted.


When the receiver's user is deleted, the attribute which shows an applicable user's information may not be outputted.

(d) The example for execution

DWClientUtil.bat GETOUTBOX
 -fromdate "2014/06/01" 
 -todate "2014/06/30"
 -result "C:\DWCLient\OUTBOX-result.xml"
 -property "C:\DWCLient\property.xml"

(2) In-box list acquisition

Acquire the list of delivery of In-box and output it to the execution result file. In the following cases etc, this is used.

  1. When you confirm the situation of delivery (reception) with status of delivery.

  2. When you identify delivery ID to appoint in "the receiving files".

(a) Format

DWClientUtil.bat GETINBOX
   [ - senderid the user ID of the sender | - sendermail the email address of the user of the sender]
   [ -detail]
   [ -inprogress]
    -fromdate the start date to acquire information of deliveries
    -todate the end date to acquire information of deliveries
    -result the path of the execution result file
    -property the path of the Command Property File

(b) Argument

Table 10‒4: The argument of In-box list acquisition






When you acquire delivery in In-box, you appoint the user ID of the sender user that you want to limit. When this option is omitted, all send user becomes a target of the acquisition.

-sendermail options and this can't be specified at the same time.



When you acquire delivery in In-box, you appoint the email address of the sender user that you want to limit. When this option is omitted, all sender user becomes a target of the acquisition.

-senderid options and this can't be specified at the same time.



You acquire detailed information. File information is included in detailed information in addition to the delivery information. After the detailed information is acquired, the receipt process for the delivery will be performed.

The status before the receipt of the delivery is output to the execution result file.

In the receipt process, the audit log is output, and an email notification is sent if the receipt notification is enabled, changing the status of In-box to Opened.

When this option is omitted, you acquire the information that does not contain the file information.



You acquire unreceived delivery. When this option is omitted, you acquire all delivery to the execution user.

Unreceived delivery here points out not delivery which is not written in the Received List File, but delivery to which the reception record of the applicable user does not exist in Data Highway - Server side.



When you acquire delivery, you appoint the send date of delivery (send-date) that you limit. You specify the starting date of the period when you want to acquire delivery, in the form of Data Highway - Server local thyme and YYYY/MM/DD.



When you acquire delivery, you appoint the send date of delivery (send-date) that you limit. You specify the ending date of the period when you want to acquire delivery, in the form of Data Highway - Server local thyme and YYYY/MM/DD. The delivery information outputted contains the specified date.



Specify the path of the execution result file.

The file is outputted in XML format.



Refer to 9.3.1(2) Common options.

(c) Description

(i) When you specify -detail option

The format of the execution result file which is outputted when you specify -detail option is specified is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <delivery id="154" download-status="downloaded" send-date="2014/07/29 11:43" shelf-life-time="2014/08/29 23:59" subject="XX development project" total-size="2364662">
            <sender id="user1@domain1" email="">
                    <file id="130" type="file" name="XX_Report.doc" size="266752"/>
                    <file id="131" type="file" name="" size="2097910"/>
            <message>I send the documents.</message>
(ii) When you do not specify -detail option

The format of the execution result file which is outputted when you do not specify -detail option is specified is as follows. Unlike the case where -detail option is specified, file Element, message Attribute, and total-size Attribute are not outputted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <delivery id="154" download-status="downloaded" send-date="2014/07/29 11:43" shelf-life-time="2014/08/29 23:59" subject="XX development project">
            <sender id="user1@domain1" email=""/>
(iii) Details of the execution result file format

The meanings of the elements which are outputted to the delivery information file are as follows. In addition, the special symbol in XML is transposed to the entity reference (escape character) and outputted.

Table 10‒5: The meanings of the elements of the execution result file




data Element


It is always outputted.

delivery Element


Delivery information tag of delivery unit.

id Attribute


Delivery ID is outputted.

It is used to identify delivery.

download-status Attribute


The status of the delivery is outputted.

not-opened : The delivery is not opened

opened : The delivery is opened

downloaded : The delivery is downloaded files

send-date Attribute


The sending date-time is outputted.

shelf-life-time Attribute


The storage expiry date is outputted.

subject Attribute


The subject of the delivery is outputted.

total-size Attribute


Total data size is outputted with a number of bytes.

sender Element


The sender information tag.

id Attribute


The sender's user ID is outputted.

email Attribute


The sender's email address is outputted.

files Element


The send file/folder information tag.

file Element


The send file/folder information tag of the send file/folder unit.

id Attribute


ID of the file/folder is outputted.

type Attribute


The type of the file/folder is outputted.

  • File : "file"

  • Folder : "folder"

name Attribute


The name of the file/folder is outputted.

size Attribute


The size of the file/folder is outputted with a number of bytes.

message Attribute


The input message of the sender outputted.


When the sender's user is deleted, the attribute which shows an applicable user's information may not be outputted.

(d) The example for execution

DWClientUtil.bat GETINBOX
 -fromdate "2014/06/01"
 -todate "2014/06/30"
 -result "C:\DWCLient\INBOX-result.xml"
 -property "C:\DWCLient\property.xml"

(3) Delivery cancellation

Target specific delivery by specifying delivery ID and cancel the executing delivery (sending files/receiving files).

(a) Format

DWClientUtil.bat CANCEL
   [-deliveryid delivery ID]
   -property the path of the Command Property File

(b) Argument

Table 10‒6: The argument of delivery cancellation






You appoint delivery ID of the delivery that you want to cancel. The number of delivery ID which can be specified is one. You cannot appoint plural delivery ID. You acquire delivery ID to appoint in this option using Out-box list acquisition (GETOUTBOX) or In-box list acquisition (GETINBOX) of the data transfer management command.

When this option is omitted, all the sending/receiving that the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with -property option) of this command delivered becomes a target of the cancellation.



Refer to 9.3.1(2) Common options.

(c) Description

(i) Precondition

When you cancel the delivery using this function, the execution user of transfer specified by delivery ID needs to be the same user as the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with -property option) of this command. When it is not the same user, it becomes the error.

When the user ID is the same, the execution terminal of the sending/receiving command and the execution terminal of the delivery cancellation command do not need to be the same.

  • The delivery which carried out delivery cancellation cannot be resumed.

  • If delivery cancellation which omitted delivery ID during execution of the sending/receiving command is performed, an error may occur. In this case, please perform delivery cancellation again.

(4) Delivery deletion

Target specific delivery by specifying delivery ID and delete delivery which transmission completed.

For example, when you delete the transmission data which you delivered by mistake, you use this.

(a) Format

   [-deliveryid delivery ID]
    -property the path of the Command Property File

(b) Argument

Table 10‒7: The argument of delivery deletion






You appoint delivery ID of the delivery that you want to delete. The number of delivery ID which can be specified is one. You cannot appoint plural delivery ID. You acquire delivery ID to appoint in this option using Out-box list acquisition (GETOUTBOX) of the data transfer management command.



Refer to 9.3.1(2) Common options.

(c) Description

(i) Precondition

When you delete the delivery using this function, the delivery specified by delivery ID needs to be the same user as the execution user (the user who was listed in the property file which you appointed with -property option) of this command. When it is not the same user, it becomes the error.

When the user ID is the same, the execution terminal of the sending files command and the execution terminal of the delivery deletion command do not need to be the same.

  • When Data Highway - Server is the Windows version, in the middle of the downloading, you can't delete the delivery. When Data Highway - Server is the Linux version, in the middle of the downloading, you can delete the delivery, but the downloading is continued.

  • When delivery ID does not exist or when there isn't authority to delete delivery of specified delivery ID, it becomes the error.

(5) Resource usage acquisition

Acquire resource usage (disk usage and the amount of downloads per month).

This command is used to check the disk usage and verify whether or not the download limit per month is exceeded.

(a) Format

    -result the path of the execution result file
    -property the path of the Command Property File

(b) Argument

Table 10‒8: The argument of resource usage acquisition






Specify the path of the execution result file.

The file is outputted in XML format.



Refer to 9.3.1(2) Common options.

(c) Description

(i) Format of the execution result file

The format of the execution result file is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

(ii) Details of the execution result file format

The meanings of the elements which are output to the execution result file are shown below. In addition, the special symbol in XML is transposed to the entity reference (escape character) and output.

Table 10‒9: The meanings of the elements of the execution result file




information Element


It is always outputted.

user Element


The user information tag

disk-space Element


The disk information tag

used Element


The disk usage of the user (in bytes) is output.

limit Element


The disk space available to the user (in bytes) is output.

domain Element


The domain information tag

disk-space Element


The disk information tag

used Element


The disk usage of the entire domain (in bytes) is output.

limit Element


The disk space of the entire domain (in bytes) is output.

download-transfer Element


The download information tag

used Element


The amount of downloads of the entire domain in the current month (in bytes) is output.

limit Element


The download limit per month (in bytes) is output.

(d) The example for execution

 -result "C:\DWCLient\RESOURCEINFO-result.xml"
 -property "C:\DWCLient\property.xml"