
For UNIX Systems JP1 Version 11 JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

2.4.1 Starting and terminating the JP1/FTP daemon

You must start the JP1/FTP daemon in order to use JP1/FTP.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Starting the JP1/FTP daemon

To start the JP1/FTP daemon:

  1. As a superuser, execute the ftsstart command.

    The JP1/FTP daemon's message is output to the system log file and to the terminal where the command was entered.

    For details about the ftsstart command, see ftsstart - starts the JP1/FTP daemon in 6. Commands.

Automatic startup method (in HP-UX, Solaris, RHEL 6, CentOS 6, and Oracle Linux 6)

The JP1/FTP daemon is set to start automatically during system startup. If you want to customize the startup procedure, for example, to add environment variable settings, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup with a shell that has been customized by using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup.model. If you want to specify settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not start automatically, use a program (such as a text editor) to open /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup, make the lines below into comments (by adding ":#"), and then save the file.

[Before change]
/opt/jp1_fts/bin/jftsd 1>/var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/jftsd.log 2>&1
[After change]
: # /opt/jp1_fts/bin/jftsd 1>/var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/jftsd.log 2>&1
Automatic startup method (in RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7, and SUSE Linux 12)

The JP1/FTP daemon is set to start automatically during system startup. If you want to customize the startup procedure, for example, to add environment variable settings, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/jp1ftpd.startup with a shell that has been customized by using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/jp1ftpd.startup.model. You cannot change the settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not start automatically. If you do change the settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not start automatically, the JP1/FTP daemon cannot be started by using the ftsstart command either.

Automatic startup method (in AIX)

To have the JP1/FTP daemon start automatically during system startup, you must specify the settings described below. These settings take effect the next time the system is started.

1. Creating the start command

The JP1/FTP daemon is set to start automatically during system startup. If you want to customize the startup procedure, for example, to add environment variable settings, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup with a shell that has been customized by using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup.model. If you want to specify settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not start automatically, use a program (such as a text editor) to open /etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup, make the lines below into comments (by adding ":#"), and then save the file.

[Before change]

/opt/jp1_fts/bin/jftsd 1>/var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/jftsd.log 2>&1

[After change]

: # /opt/jp1_fts/bin/jftsd 1>/var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/jftsd.log 2>&1

If you do not want the JP1/FTP daemon to start automatically, the settings in step 2 are not required.

2. Specifying the automatic startup setting

Use the mkitab command to specify the automatic startup setting:

# mkitab "jp1_fts:2:wait:/etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup"

If you use JP1-series products, you must first set JP1/Base and then set the other JP1-series products sequentially so that the automatic startup sequence is set correctly. If you use JP1/IM and JP1/AJS3, register the JP1/FTP start command after them.

For example, to have JP1/Base, JP1/IM, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/FTP start automatically in this order, execute the following commands:

# mkitab -i hntr2mon "jp1base:2:wait:/etc/opt/jp1base/jbs_start"
# mkitab -i jp1base "jp1cons:2:wait:/etc/opt/jp1cons/jco_start"
# mkitab -i jp1cons "jp1ajs2:2:wait:/etc/opt/jp1ajs2/jajs_start"
# mkitab -i jp1ajs2 "jp1_fts:2:wait:/etc/opt/jp1_fts/startup"

After you have specified the settings, use the lsitab command to check the settings.

Execute the following command:

# lsitab -a
Example of output
brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system boot

(2) Terminating the JP1/FTP daemon

Once the JP1/FTP daemon has terminated, no more transmission requests will be accepted.

To terminate the JP1/FTP daemon:

  1. As a superuser, execute the ftsstop command.

    The JP1/FTP daemon's message is output to the system log file and to the terminal where the command was entered.

    For details about the ftsstop command, see ftsstop - terminates the JP1/FTP daemon in 6. Commands.

Automatic termination method (in HP-UX, Solaris, RHEL 6, CentOS 6, and Oracle Linux 6)

Once it has been installed, the JP1/FTP daemon is set to terminate automatically during system termination. If you want to customize the termination procedure, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/stop with a shell that has been created using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/stop.model.

Automatic termination method (in RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7, and SUSE Linux 12)

Once it has been installed, the JP1/FTP daemon is set to terminate automatically during system termination. If you want to customize the termination procedure, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/jp1ftpd.stop with a shell that has been created using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/jp1ftpd.stop.model. You cannot change the settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not stop automatically. If you do change the settings so that the JP1/FTP daemon does not stop automatically, the JP1/FTP daemon cannot be stopped by using the ftsstop command either.

Automatic termination method (in AIX)

To have the JP1/FTP daemon terminate automatically during system termination, add the following settings to /etc/rc.shutdown:

if [ -x /etc/opt/jp1_fts/stop ]

If there is no /etc/rc.shutdown file, you must create it. In such a case, set the attributes of the /etc/rc.shutdown file as follows:

chmod 550 /etc/rc.shutdown
chown root /etc/rc.shutdown
chgrp shutdown /etc/rc.shutdown

If you use JP1-series products, you must set this termination processing so that it executes before the termination processing for JP1/Base and JP1/AJS3.

If you want to terminate programs in a different manner from what is shown above, replace /etc/opt/jp1_fts/stop with a shell that has been created using /etc/opt/jp1_fts/stop.model.