
For Windows Systems JP1 Version 11 JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

G. Notes about Operation

  1. You must start JP1/FTP commands, GUIs, and tools as administrator.

    An administrator is a user who satisfies the following conditions:

    • If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled:

      Administrator or a user who has been elevated to an administrator account

    • If User Account Control (UAC) is disabled:

      User who has Administrators permissions

  2. To start JP1/FTP from another linked product, the administrator must be executing that linked product. Otherwise, startup of JP1/FTP might fail.

  3. Files are locked while they are engaged in file transmission (lock processing is performed). During send processing, such files can be read, but they are write-protected. During receive processing, the files are protected from both read and write operations.

  4. If file transmission is interrupted, such as by forced termination of file receive processing or by a transmission error, an incomplete file might be created. If overwrite receive processing is interrupted, the original file cannot be restored.

  5. JP1/FTP handles files on network drives as a single Windows file. Therefore, you can use files on a network drive only in an environment that supports them as Windows files and within the supported operation range.

    Even if transmission processing is successful, the contents of a transmitted file might not be written correctly due to problems specific to network drives, their settings, and the environment configuration.

  6. If you use a network relay device (such as a router or a firewall) that performs IP address translation (such as Network Address Translation (NAT) or IP masquerading), file transmission via the device might fail due to use of the FTP protocol. Make sure that the device in use supports the FTP protocol.

  7. JP1/FTP uses the IP addresses shown in the table below.

    Table G‒1: IP addresses used by JP1/FTP



    IP address to be used



    IP address for control connection

    IP address that is assigned automatically by the OS


    IP address for data connection

    IP address for control connection



    IP address for control connection

    IP address that accepted the connection


    IP address for data connection

    IP address for control connection


    IP address of the Operations-Manager Agent

    Physical IP address (IP address corresponding to the host name that is returned by an OS command (such as hostname))


    IP address of the Operations-Manager Console

    IP address that is assigned automatically by the OS

  8. Provided below are notes about using JP1/FTP in a cluster system configuration (in an HA configuration that supports system switching). For details about the definition of JP1/FTP in an environment where logical addresses are used, see 3.11 Using JP1/FTP in a multiple IP address environment. A cluster system is the same as what is referred to as a node switching system in the JP1 manuals.

    • Failover is not supported.

    • Physical IP addresses must be enabled (IP addresses corresponding to the host names that are returned by an OS command, such as hostname).

    • JP1/FTP services can be started and stopped by using cluster software.

    • When JP1/FTP is run as the FTP server, file transmission is supported whether the FTP client specifies a local IP address or a physical IP address as the connection target.

    • When JP1/FTP is run as the FTP client, re-transmission initiated by a method such as automatic retries of file transmission is not performed in the event of a failure.

    • FTP custom jobs can be used to perform file transmission.

    The following notes apply when the environment definition for a multiple IP address environment is not used:

    • When JP1/FTP is run as the FTP client, the IP address for connection is usually a physical IP address because it is assigned automatically by the OS.

    • JP1 events are sent to the physical IP address (IP address corresponding to the host name that is returned by an OS command, such as hostname).

    • When JP1/FTP is run as the FTP server, the physical host name (host name returned by an OS command, such as hostname) is set in message 220, which is returned when control connection is established.

  9. Class-3 and class-4 characters are not supported.

  10. Before you change the system time, stop all JP1/FTP services and GUIs. To reset the system time, you must initialize the transmission logs.

    The procedure for resetting the system time is as follows:

    1. Stop all JP1/FTP services and GUIs.

    2. Back up the log information file to a desired directory.

    3. Change the system time.

    4. Initialize the transmission results. For details about the initialization method, see F.1 FTSTRANINIT.BAT and FTSMGRINIT.BAT - initialize results.

    5. Start the JP1/FTP services and GUIs.