
For Windows Systems JP1 Version 11 JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

8.3.1 Messages displayed during execution of the ftstran command

The table below lists and describes the messages that can be displayed when the ftstran command is executed.

Table 8‒5: Messages displayed during execution of the ftstran command

Message that is displayed



Specify CHECK or UNCHECK after the /TK switch.

Neither CHECK (do size checking) nor UNCHECK (do not do size checking) is specified after the /TK option.

Specify either CHECK (do size checking) or UNCHECK (do not do size checking).

Specify STREAM or COMPRESS after the /TM switch.

Neither STREAM (do not compress) nor COMPRESS (compress) is specified after the /TM option.

Specify either STREAM (do not compress) or COMPRESS (compress).

Specify SEND, RECV, or APPE after the /TT switch.

Neither SEND (overwrite send), nor RECV (receive), nor APPE (append send) is specified after the /TT option.

Specify one of SEND (overwrite send), RECV (receive), or APPE (append send).

Specify ASCII or BINARY after the /TY switch.

Neither ASCII nor BINARY is specified after the /TY option.

Specify either ASCII or BINARY.

Specify AUTO, MULTIPLE or SINGLE after the /TA switch.

Neither AUTO (switch automatically), nor MULTIPLE (transmit multiple files), nor SINGLE (transmit single file) is specified after the /TA option.

Specify one of AUTO (switch automatically), MULTIPLE (transmit multiple files), or SINGLE (transmit single file).

The FTP command is too long.

The FTP command exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the FTP command as no more than 300 bytes.

The name of the program that starts when file transmission ends abnormally is too long.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends abnormally exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the name of the program to start when transmission ends abnormally as a string of 259 bytes or less.

In the name of the program that starts when file transmission ends abnormally you cannot specify the following characters: space < > " | * ?

An invalid character is contained in the name of the program that starts when transmission ends abnormally.

Check and, if necessary, revise the name of the program to start when transmission ends abnormally.

The name of the program that starts when file transmission ends abnormally is specified incorrectly.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends abnormally is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the name of the program to start when transmission ends abnormally.

Specify the name of the program that starts when file transmission ends abnormally with a full-path name.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends abnormally is not specified as a full path.

Express as a full path the name of the program to start when transmission ends abnormally.

The card information is unacquirable. - func(error)

A system call error occurred during acquisition of card information.

Take appropriate action as indicated by the function's error code.

The card name is too long.

The specified card name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the card name as a string of up to 20 bytes.

The command syntax is incorrect.

There is a syntax error in the command line.

Check and, if necessary, revise the command line entry.

The comment is too long.

The specified comment exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the comment as a string of up to 80 bytes.

Duplicated switch.- opt

A specified option is duplicated.

Do not specify the same option more than once.

The name of the program that starts when file transmission ends normally is too long.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends normally exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the name of the program to start when transmission ends normally as a string of up to 259 bytes.

In the name of the program that starts when file transmission ends normally you cannot specify the following characters: space < > " | * ?

An invalid character is contained in the name of the program that starts when transmission ends normally.

Check and, if necessary, revise the name of the program to start when transmission ends normally.

The name of the program that starts when file transmission ends normally is specified incorrectly.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends normally is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the name of the program to start when transmission ends normally.

Specify the name of the program that starts when file transmission ends normally with a full-path name.

The name of the program that starts when transmission ends normally is not specified as a full path.

Express as a full path the name of the program to start when transmission ends normally.

Transmission ended abnormally.

File transmission terminated abnormally.

Check the transmission log.

Transmission ended normally but with a warning.

(Normal termination with a warning)

Check the transmission log.

Transmission ended normally.

(Normal termination)


The password is too long.

The specified password exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the password as a string of up to 50 bytes.

The file name is too long.

The specified file name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the file name as a string of up to 259 bytes.

The file name is specified incorrectly.

The specified file name is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the file name.

Specify the port number in the range from 1 to 65535.

The port number is not an integer from 1 to 65,535.

Specify the port number as an integer from 1 to 65,535.

Specify the port number with an integer.

The specified port number contains a nonnumeric character.

Specify an integer.

The remote host name is too long.

The specified host name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the host name as a string of up to 256 bytes.

The remote host name is specified incorrectly.

The specified host name is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the host name.

The name of a user to log in is too long.

The specified user name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the user name as a string of up to 50 bytes.

The name of a user to log in is specified incorrectly.

The specified user name is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the user name.

The remote file name is too long.

The specified remote file name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the remote file name as a string of up to 259 bytes.

The remote file name is specified incorrectly.

The specified remote file name is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the remote file name.

The local file name is too long.

The specified local file name exceeds the maximum length.

Specify the local file name as a string of up to 259 bytes.

In the local file name you cannot specify the following characters: space < > " | * ?

The specified local file name contains an invalid character.

Check and, if necessary, revise the local file name.

The local file name is specified incorrectly.

The specified local file name is invalid.

Check and, if necessary, revise the local file name.


--: There is no action that can be taken.