
For Windows Systems JP1 Version 11 JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

5.1.3 Performing scheduled transmissions

To perform scheduled transmissions, you must first create a jobnet and then register the schedule in the jobnet.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating a jobnet

To create a jobnet:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, JP1_Automatic Job Management System 3 - View, and Job System Management, and then log in.

    The JP1/AJS3 - View window is displayed.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose New, and then Jobnet to create a jobnet.

  3. Specify each setting and then click OK.

    The following figure shows an example of the settings. For details, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

    Figure 5‒3: Example of the settings in the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box


  4. Double-click the created jobnet.

    The Jobnet Editor window appears.

  5. Select Exclusive edit.

  6. From the icon list, drag the required job icon to the map area.

    The JP1/FTP icon is the [Figure] icon on the Custom Jobs page.

    The Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box appears.

  7. Specify each setting.

    The figure below shows an example of the settings. For details, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

    Figure 5‒4: Example of the settings in the Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box


  8. Click Details.

    The Specify Transmission Card dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists information about the transmission cards that have been registered in the Registration And Execution Of Transmission Requests dialog box or by the Operations-Manager Console.

  9. Specify each setting and then click OK.

    The following figure and table show an example of settings and the items in the Specify Transmission Card dialog box.

    Figure 5‒5: Example of the settings in the Specify Transmission Card dialog box


    Table 5‒3: Items in the Specify Transmission Card dialog box



    Transmission card name

    Select a transmission card from the list and then click Select, or double-click the desired transmission card. A transmission card whose name contains a single-byte space cannot be specified.

    To check the contents of a transmission card, select the card and then click Details.

    The transmission cards displayed here are those set by JP1/FTP on the host that is used to define jobs. In the cases below, the list of applicable transmission cards will not be displayed. In such cases, enter a transmission card name.

    • The host used to define jobs differs from the host used to execute jobs.

    • JP1/FTP is not installed.

    Host name of client

    Specifies the host name (physical or logical host name) or IP address to be set as the FTP client's transmission source IP address.

    When you specify an IP address, you can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

    If local IP address specification is enabled at the FTP client, the host name specified in this option becomes the FTP client's local IP address. If this option is omitted, the name of the FTP client's physical host is assumed.

    If local IP address specification is disabled at the FTP client, the address assigned automatically by the OS is used.

    For details about the definition for enabling local IP address specification at the FTP client, see 3.11 Using JP1/FTP in a multiple IP address environment.

    File to store transmission-end information

    ((0 to 259-byte character string))

    Specify the name of the file to which the transmission results are to be output. Express this file name as a full path. This item is optional.

    Output format

    Specify the format of the transmission results output file.

    If you specify binary, the serial data of the FTS_FTP_API_DATA_EX and FTS_FTP_API_RETDATA_EX structures is output.

  10. If necessary, set the job type as a PC job and associate the jobs.

    The following figure shows an example of the settings.

    Figure 5‒6: Example of the jobnet settings


  11. Close the Jobnet Editor window.

(2) Registering a schedule

To register a schedule:

  1. From the list area of the JP1/AJS3 - View window, select the jobnet that is to be scheduled, and then from the Edit menu, choose Schedule.

    The Schedule Settings dialog box is displayed.

  2. Specify each setting and then click OK.

    The figure below shows an example of the settings. For details, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

    Figure 5‒7: Example of the settings in the Schedule Settings dialog box


  3. From the list area of the JP1/AJS3 - View window, select the jobnet to be registered for execution, and then from Operations, choose Register for Execution.

    The Register for Execution dialog box is displayed.

  4. Specify each setting and then click OK.

    The figure below shows an example of the settings. For details, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

    Figure 5‒8: Example of the settings in the Register for Execution dialog box
