
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Advanced Shell Description, User's Guide, Reference, and Operator's Guide 

5.5.3 Function information arrays

Information about the functions that are executed by the adshexec command is stored in single-dimensional function information arrays.

Whether function information arrays are used is defined with the VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO environment setting parameter. The array names are also determined by the specification of the VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO environment setting parameter. For details about the VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO environment setting parameter, see 7.3.54 VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO parameter (selects whether function information arrays are used).

Following are the characteristics of function information arrays:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Types of function information arrays

The following table lists and describes the types of function information arrays.

Table 5‒35: Types and names of function information arrays

Type of array


Array name

When TYPE_A is specified in VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO

When TYPE_B is specified in VAR_SHELL_FUNCINFO

Called function name array

This array stores the names of all functions that are in the call stack.

Element number 0 stores the name of the currently executing function. The lowest element stores main.

If an external script was called with the . (dot) command (standard shell command) or the #-adsh_script extended script command, the array stores source.



Function call line number array#1

This array stores the line numbers of the script files for which all functions in the call stack were called.

Element number 0 stores the line number that called the currently executing function. The lowest element stores 0.

For an external script, the array stores the line number that executed the . (dot) command (standard shell command) and the #-adsh_script extended script command.

The attribute can be changed to the integer type.



Function definition script file name array#2

This array stores the names of the script files in which the functions in the call stack have been defined.

Element number 0 stores the name of the script file that defines the currently executing function. The lowest element stores the absolute path of the job definition script name.

For an external script, this array stores the absolute path of the external script file.




If a function is called within a trap action after a signal or a forced termination request has been received, the function call line number array stores the line number of the processing that called the trap action, not the processing within the trap action.

For example, in the definition below, function fn1 is called on line number 4. Because line number 4 is within the trap action, line number 6 is stored in the array.

1  fn1(){
2    echo ${ADSH_LINENO[*]}
3  }
4  trap fn1 INT
6  kill -INT $$
7  pwd

If the adshexec command is executed with the -r option specified, -r CMDLINE is stored as the script file name in the function definition script file name array. The following shows an example:

C:\tmp>adshexec -m SIMPLE -r "echo ${ADSH_SOURCE[*]}"

(2) Structures of function information arrays

This subsection explains the transitions among the arrays based on the example of the following job definition script (file name: func.ash):

1    fn3(){
2      echo "JP1/AS"
3    }
4    fn2(){
5      fn3
6    }
7    fn1(){
8      fn2
9    }
10   fn1

When this job definition script is run, the array status changes as shown in the following by the execution of function fn3:


(3) Notes about function information arrays