
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

B.1 List of port numbers

JP1/AJS3 for EAP does not use any standby ports.

This appendix explains the port numbers to which JP1/AJS3 for EAP connects when communicating with an R/3 system or SAP BW system.

JP1/AJS3 for EAP operates as a client program of an R/3 system or SAP BW system, and uses Remote Function Call (RFC), a communication program provided by SAP, to communicate with the R/3 system or SAP BW system.

JP1/AJS3 for EAP uses the commands used by the job control function and the commands used by InfoPackage or process chain control function to communicate with the R/3 system or SAP BW system.

For details about the commands used by the job control function and the commands used by InfoPackage or process chain control function, see 4. Commands.

The connection destination port number at the R/3 system or SAP BW system differs depending on the method used for connecting to the R/3 system or SAP BW system.

Table B‒1: Connection destination port number at the R/3 system or SAP BW system

Type of device for connection

Service name

Port number

Application server

sapgwnn#1, #2


Message server (load balancing)



(Default: 3600/tcp)

SAP router


(Default: sapdp99)


(Default: 3299/tcp)


nn indicates the system number of the connection destination R/3 system or SAP BW system.


If you use secure network communication (SNC), use sapgwnns (port number range: 4800 to 4899/tcp (48nn/tcp).


sid indicates the system ID of the connection destination R/3 system or SAP BW system. You must specify this service name and port number in the host of the connection destination R/3 system or SAP BW system, as well as in the services file of the host on which JP1/AJS3 for EAP is installed.