
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

8.3.1 Trouble related to the job control function

This section explains trouble that may occur while the job control function is being used.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Trouble with connection to the R/3 system

This section deals with the troubles that may occur with the connection to the R/3 system.

If you cannot find the cause of a problem here, the problem may be caused by the RFC API provided by SAP. When detailed information about the RFC API error is output in a KAJM0802-E message, keep this information and contact the R/3 system administrator.

(a) The R/3 system cannot be connected or an error occurs during communication with the R/3 system.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The R/3 system definition information is incorrect.

    First, check whether the specified R/3 system IP address (or host name or SAP router address) is valid. If the specified IP address is invalid, specify a valid IP address and reconnect the R/3 system.

    If the specified IP address is valid, there may be a problem with the setup. Check whether correct setup data was entered.

  • The communication port is defined incorrectly.

    Check whether a port number corresponding to the system ID is defined in the services file. If no port number corresponding to the system ID is defined in the services file, define a port number that corresponds to the system ID.

  • A temporary communication error has occurred.

    A temporary communication error may have occurred because the network load was increased or no more communication ports were available. You can resolve a temporary communication error and restore the connection with the R/3 system by retrying.

    If retries are not specified for communication errors, use the RetryCount key or the RetryTime key in the command section of the environment setup file to execute retries.

(b) The logon to the R/3 system fails.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The user information for logging on to the R/3 system is incorrect.

    Check whether the user information (client number, user name, and password) entered in the logon process is valid for the R/3 system. If the user information entry for logon is invalid, log on again to the R/3 system using user information valid for the R/3 system.

  • The specified user is not authorized to log on from an external system.

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authorization (S_RFC) to log on from an external system.

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to log on from an external system.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to log on from an external system.

  • The release of the R/3 system you attempted to log on to is not valid.

    Check whether the release of the R/3 system you tried to log on to is a supported version.

(2) Trouble with R/3 job control

The following problems may occur while you are controlling R/3 jobs.

If you cannot find the cause of your problem here, the problem may be caused by the external management interface provided by SAP. If a KAJM0812-E message appears, a problem with the external management interface is likely. Obtain the name of the function of the external management interface with the problem and the exception code from the message, and contact the R/3 system administrator.

(a) A job cannot be created in the R/3 system.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The job step definition information is incorrect.

    • When an ABAP program is specified as the job step

      Check whether the ABAP program exists in the R/3 system. Also, check whether the specified program name, authorized user name, and language type are valid for the R/3 system.

      If the ABAP program is not found in the R/3 system and the definition is invalid, define an ABAP program that can be used in the R/3 system as the job step.

    • When an external program is specified as the job step

      Check whether the external program exists on the host. Also, check whether the program name, authorized user name, and execution target host specifications are correct. If the external program is not found on the host or the definition information is invalid, define a valid external program as the job step.

  • The job execution destination host is specified incorrectly.

    Check whether the job execution destination host name specified in the -tgh option is the same as the host name displayed by transaction SM51 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether an application server for providing background processing services is active on the specified host.

  • The job execution destination server is specified incorrectly.

    Check whether the job execution destination server name or the job server group name specified in the -tgs option is correct.

    When you specify a server name in the option, check whether the specified server name is the same as the server name displayed by transaction SM51 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether background processing services are active on the specified server.

    When you specify a job server group name in the option, check whether the specified job server group name is the same as the job server group name displayed by transaction SM61 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether the specified job server group contains an application server for providing background processing services.

  • The variant definition contains an error.

    Specify a correct variant name and re-execute the command.

    If this message appears even though a correct variant name is specified, a variant whose name is blank may be registered for the specified program. Open the variant list of the R/3 system and check whether there is a variant whose name is blank. If such a variant is registered, take either of the following actions:

    • From the VARI table of the R/3 system, delete the variant whose name is blank. If such a variant is not registered, check the variant name and re-execute the command.

    • Change the setting (change the value set for the CheckLevel key in the command section in the environment setup file to 0) so that the validity of the ABAP program and the values specified for variants is not checked. Then re-execute the command.

  • The required variant is not specified in the program.

    Check whether the specified program runs correctly without specifying variants. If the program requires variants, specify necessary variants and re-execute the command.

    If the program does not require variants, change the setting (change the value set for the CheckLevel key in the command section in the environment setup file to 0) so that the validity of the ABAP program and the values specified for variants is not checked. Then re-execute the command.

  • No variant is defined in the program.

    Check whether the specified program runs correctly without specifying variants. If the program requires variants, define necessary variants in the program, specify the variants, and re-execute the command.

    If the program does not require variants, change the setting (change the value set for the CheckLevel key in the command section in the environment setup file to 0) so that the validity of the ABAP program and the values specified for variants is not checked. Then re-execute the command.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to create a job.

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authority to create a job.

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to create a job.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to create a job.

  • The name of the authorized user is in lower case.

    Check whether the authorized user name specified in the -auth option is lower case, or, if the -auth option is omitted, check whether the user name specified as the authorized user in the logon information is lower case.

    authorized-user is case-sensitive.

  • The number of characters of the OS user name is 16 bytes or more.

    If the name of the OS user who executes the command is 16 bytes or more, an error occurs with the external management interface at the SAP side. Use an OS user name of up to 15 bytes to execute the command.

(b) The R/3 system job cannot be released.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The specified job has already been released.

    An already released job cannot be released again from JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

  • The job execution destination host is specified incorrectly.

    Check whether the job execution destination host name specified in the -tgh option is the same as the host name displayed by transaction SM51 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether an application server for providing background processing services is active on the specified host.

  • The job execution destination server is specified incorrectly.

    Check whether the job execution destination server name or the job server group name specified in the -tgs option is correct.

    When you specify a server name in the option, check whether the specified server name is the same as the server name displayed by transaction SM51 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether background processing services are active on the specified server.

    When you specify a job server group name in the option, check whether the specified job server group name is the same as the job server group name displayed by transaction SM61 (upper-case and lower-case characters are differentiated). In addition, check whether the specified job server group contains an application server for providing background processing services.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to release a job.

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authority to release a job.

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to release a job.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to release a job.

  • The designated job is not created by the user who has logged on.

    You are not authorized to release jobs that were created by the other users. If necessary, ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to release jobs created by the other users.

  • R/3 system resources are insufficient.

    Release the job after R/3 system resources have been allocated.

(c) The R/3 system job cannot be canceled.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The specified job is not being executed (it is not active).

    Inactive jobs (scheduled, released, ready, finished, or terminated jobs) cannot be canceled.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to cancel a job.

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authority to cancel a job.

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to cancel a job.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to cancel a job.

  • The specified job was not created by the user who has logged on.

    Jobs cannot be canceled if they were created by other users. If necessary, ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to cancel jobs created by other users.

  • The job steps include an external program.

    You cannot cancel the job while the external program is running. Cancel the job after the external program ends.

(d) A job on the R/3 system cannot be deleted.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The specified job is active or ready.

    You cannot delete an active or ready job. You can delete scheduled, released, finished, and terminated jobs. If you want to delete an active or ready job, wait until the job execution ends or use the jr3bjcan command to cancel the job, and then delete the job.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to delete the job.

    Use one of the following method to obtain job deletion permission.

    • Log on under the name of a user who is authorized to delete the job.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant you job deletion permission.

  • The specified job was not scheduled by the user who has logged on.

    You cannot delete jobs that have been scheduled by another user. If necessary, ask the R/3 system administrator to grant you permission to delete jobs scheduled by other users.

(e) The R/3 system job information (job status and job log) cannot be displayed.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to view the job information (job status and job log).

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authority to view the job information (job status and job log).

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to view the job information (job status and job log).

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to view the job information (job status and job log).

  • The specified job was not created by the user who has logged on.

    The information (job status and job log) about jobs cannot be viewed if they were created by other users. If necessary, ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to view the information (job status and job log) about jobs created by other users.

(f) The R/3 system resource information cannot be acquired.

The probable causes are described below.

  • The specified ABAP program is not found in the R/3 system.

    Specify an ABAP program that exists in the R/3 system.

  • The specified ABAP program does not have any variant.

    There is no variant in the specified ABAP program.

  • No variant is defined in the specified ABAP program.

    Although the specified ABAP program requires variants, no variant is defined. Define necessary variants in the ABAP program.

  • The user who has logged on is not authorized to view the R/3 system resource information.

    Use either of the following procedures to acquire authority to view the R/3 system resource information.

    • Log on again with the name of a user who is authorized to view the R/3 system resource information.

    • Ask the R/3 system administrator to grant authority to view the R/3 system resource information.

(g) A file named dev_rfc.trc or dev_rfc was created in the JP1/AJS3 for EAP work directory.

If an error occurs during R/3 system custom job execution or JP1/AJS3 for EAP command execution, the RFC trace file (file named dev_rfc.trc or dev_rfc) is created in the JP1/AJS3 for EAP work directory. The RFC trace file records the trace information (error information) about the communications with the R/3 system.

The RFC trace file is needed only when a serious error occurs. We recommend that you periodically delete the RFC trace file when no serious error has been encountered.