
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

8.2.1 Data to be collected about the job control function

If a problem occurs while you are using the job control function, collect the data described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) When Windows is used

Collect the following data as maintenance information.

(a) OS log information

Table 8‒1: OS log information (for Windows)

Type of information to be collected


Windows event log

Obtain the application log and the system log collected by Windows for the period of time during which the problem occurred (contents of System Log and Application Log in the Event Viewer window of Windows).

System information

Collect the system information managed by Windows (choose Accessories and then System Tools, and collect the contents of System Information).

Dump information (Watson log file)

If an application error occurs during execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command provided by JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Collect the following log file (*.log) and dump file (*.dump):

For Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012

Dr. Watson has been changed to Problem report and solutions.

Collect the following problem report and user dump.

(1) Problem report

If the JP1/AJS3 for EAP process stops due to an application error, use the following procedure to collect the problem report.

1. In the System and Security category of the Control Panel, click Review your computer's status.

The Action Center window opens.

2. From the right-hand side of the window, click Maintenance.

Options including Check for solutions to problem reports are displayed.

3. Under Check for solutions to problem reports, click View reliability history.

The Reliability Monitor window opens.

4. From the bottom of the window, click View all problem reports.

The Problem Reports window opens, and the problem history is displayed in a list.

5. Double-click the relevant problem.

A report detailing the problem is displayed.

6. Select Copy to clipboard.

7. Copy and save the copied content to a text file.

8. The saved problem report is collected as data for problem investigation.

(2) User dump

If the JP1/AJS3 for EAP process stops due to an application error and an error dialog box appears, use the following procedure to collect the problem report.


Collect the problem report while the error dialog box is displayed.

1. Start Task Manager.

2. From the Task Manager dialog box, click Process.

3. Right-click the JP1/AJS3 for EAP process name that stopped due to an application error, and then select Create dump file.

4. When a dialog box appears asking you to specify the path to the user dump output destination, collect data from there.

(b) Information to be collected from JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control)

Table 8‒2: Information to be collected from JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control) (for Windows)

Type of information to be collected


Trace information

Collect the following files:

When a directory name is specified for the TargetDir key in the trace section in the conf file:

Files in the directory specified by the TargetDir key

When a file name is specified for the TargetFile key in the trace section in the conf file:

File specified by the TargetFile key

When a directory name or file name is not specified for the TargetDir or TargetFile key in the trace section in the conf file:

Files in installation-folder\Log

In addition to the above files, collect all the files in the following folders regardless of the conf file setting:

Files in installation-folder\Log

Files in Windows-folder\Temp\jp1common\jp1amr3

If a KAJM0992-E error occurs during the execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command of JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Files in temporary-folder*\HLICLIB


Standard error output information

If a command provided by JP1/AJS3 for EAP ends abnormally:

Obtain the error message text that is output to the standard error output.

Standard error output

When a command is executed from the command line:

File specified in the window where the command is executed or file specified by the -se option

When a command is executed by JP1/AJS:

File defined as the standard error output by JP1/AJS, file defined as the standard error output by a JP1/AJS custom job, or file specified in the -se option of the command

Model, version, and patch information

Collect the following version, patchlog.txt, and Version.txt files:




Environment setup file

Collect the following conf file:


RFC trace file

If an error occurs during the execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command of JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Collect the file named dev_rfc.trc containing the trace information about the communication with the R/3 system. This file is created in the work directory of JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

RFC library status management file

Collect the following jr3chrfc file:


Product information file

Collect the following jp1amr3.dat file:

system-drive\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\jp1common\jp1amr3\jp1amr3.dat

Product information

Collect the following ProductInfo.txt file:


(c) Information to be collected from the R/3 system

Table 8‒3: Information to be collected from the R/3 system (for Windows)

Type of information to be collected


System log

Run transaction SM21 via the SAP front-end software to collect the data matching the following criteria:

  • User: Not specified

  • Transaction code: Not specified

  • SAP process: Not specified

  • Error class: All messages

  • Starting and ending dates and times: Period during which the target error occurred

For details about the system log, see the R/3 documentation and the online help.

XMI log

Run transaction RZ15 via the SAP front-end software and collect the data matching the following criteria:

  • Interface: *

  • Object: *

  • Session ID: *

  • External user: *

  • Period: Period during which the target error occurred

Legend: *: Asterisk

For details about the XMI log, see the R/3 documentation and the online help.

Release and patch information

  • Start the SAP front-end software and choose System -> Status from the menu. Obtain a hard copy of the displayed window.

  • Obtain hard copies of the following windows that can be opened from the above window:

    System: Status window

    System: Component Information window

    System: Kernel Information window

Developer trace

If an error occurs during the execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command provided by JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Obtain the developer trace in the R/3 system (dev_w*, dev_rfc*, and dev_rd files that are collected by running transaction ST11 via the SAP front-end software).

(d) Operational details

Check the following information about the operation that was being performed when the problem occurred:

  • Detailed contents of the operation

  • Time when the problem occurred

  • Job in which the problem occurred (jobnet name and job name in JP1/AJS)

  • Machine configuration (version of each OS, host name, and the configuration of JP1/AJS and the R/3 system)

  • Whether the problem is reproducible, how often the problem occurs

(2) When Linux is used

Collect the following data as maintenance information.

(a) OS log information

Table 8‒4: OS log information (for Linux)

Type of information to be collected


syslog file


Version information

Collect the execution result of the uname -a command.

Information about installed Hitachi products

Collect the /etc/.hitachi/pplistd/pplistd file.

(b) Information to be collected from JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control)

Table 8‒5: Information to be collected from JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control) (for Linux)

Type of information to be collected


Trace information

Collect the following files:

When a directory name is specified for the TargetDir key in the trace section in the conf file:

Files in the directory specified by the TargetDir key

When a file name is specified for the TargetFile key in the trace section in the conf file:

File specified by the TargetFile key

When no directory name is specified for the TargetDir key and no file name is specified for the TargetFile key in the trace section in the conf file:

Files in /var/opt/jp1_am_r3/log

In addition to the above files, collect the following file:

Files in /var/opt/jp1_am_r3/log

Standard error output information

If a command provided by JP1/AJS3 for EAP ends abnormally:

Collect the error message text that is output to the standard error output.

Model, version, and patch information

Collect the following .version and .patch_hist files:



Environment setup file

Collect the following conf file:


RFC trace file

If an error occurs during the execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command of JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Collect the file named dev_rfc containing the trace information about the communication with the R/3 system. This file is created in the work directory of JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

RFC library status management file

Collect the following .jr3chrfc file:


Install log

Collect the following files.




Files in /etc/.hitachi/.hliclog

Product information file

Collect the following file:


Product information

Collect the following ProductInfo.txt file:


(c) Information to be collected from the R/3 system

Table 8‒6: Information to be collected from the R/3 system (for Linux)

Type of information to be collected


System log

Run transaction SM21 via the SAP front-end software and collect the data matching the following criteria:

  • User: Not specified

  • Transaction code: Not specified

  • SAP process: Not specified

  • Error class: All messages

  • Starting and ending dates and times: Period during which the target error occurred

For details about the system log, see the R/3 documentation and the online help.

XMI log

Run transaction RZ15 via the SAP front-end software and collect the data matching the following criteria:

  • Interface: *

  • Object: *

  • Session ID: *

  • External user: *

  • Period: Period during which the target error occurred

Legend: *: Asterisk

For details about the XMI log, see the R/3 documentation and the online help.

Release and patch information

  • Start the SAP front-end software and choose System and then Status from the menu. Obtain a hard copy of the displayed window.

  • Obtain hard copies of the following windows that can be opened from the above window:

    System: Status window

    System: Component Information window

    System: Kernel Information window

Developer trace

If an error occurs during the execution of a custom job for the R/3 system or a command provided by JP1/AJS3 for EAP:

Obtain the developer trace in the R/3 system (dev_w*, dev_rfc*, and dev_rd files that are collected by running transaction ST11 via the SAP front-end software).

(d) Operational details

Check the following information about the operation that was being performed when the problem occurred:

  • Detailed description of the operation

  • Time when the problem occurred

  • Job in which the problem occurred (jobnet name and job name in JP1/AJS)

  • Machine configuration (version of each OS, host name, and the configuration of JP1/AJS and the R/3 system)

  • Whether the problem is reproducible, how often the problem occurs