
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


An attempt to load the RFC library failed. (file: file-name, reason: cause, function: function-name)

An error occurred while the RFC library was being loaded.

The following information is output to individual items in the message:

file-name: Absolute path to the RFC library

cause: Error message returned from API of OS

function-name: Name of the API of the OS in which the error occurred


The system aborts command execution.


Check the following points and fix if there is a problem. Then try the command again.

  • The RFC library is provided by SAP

  • The RFC library is supported by the AJS-EAP.

  • The RFC library supports for the OS and its architecture.

  • Read and execute permissions (-r-xr-xr-x) are set to the RFC library.

If the problem still persists, gather the information needed to investigate the cause of the problem, and then contact the system administrator.

Refer to the manual and Release Notes for procedure to verify the version of the RFC library and to receive the RFC library.