
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


Trace file cannot be accessed. (file: filename)

The trace file could not be accessed.

Another possibility is that the temporary file used for outputting trace files could not be accessed.

A temporary directory is used when outputting trace files.

Under Windows, the folder specified by the TMP environment variable is used. In the TMP environment variable, specify a folder that can be accessed using the permissions of the user executing the command (if the default JP1/AJS service account is used when a JP1/AJS job is executed, the folder specified in the TMP system environment variable is used).


The system continues with command execution. However, trace information output may not be sent to the trace file.


Ensure that the trace file can be accessed with the permissions of the user executing the command.

Altenatively, ensure that the folder specified by the TMP environment variable as the temporary folder for outputting trace files can be accessed with the permissions of the user executing the command.