
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

6.1.1 Output format of messages

Messages output by JP1/AJS3 for EAP have the same format whether Windows or Linux is used. Messages consist of a message ID and a message text that follows the message ID.

Figure 6-1 shows the format of messages output by JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

Figure 6‒1: Format of messages output by JP1/AJS3 for EAP


The elements of the message ID are explained below.


Indicates that the message is a JP1/AJS3 for EAP message.


Indicates the message number. Messages are numbered according to the following rules.

  • 0nnn

    Indicates that the message is common to all functions of JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

  • 1nnn

    Indicates that the message relates to the job control function.

  • 2nnn

    Indicates that the message relates to the InfoPackage control function or the process chain control function.

When nnn in 0nnn, 1nnn, or 2nnn is between 600 and 699, the message relates to a common command. When nnn is between 700 and 799, the message relates to the installer.

When nnn is between 800 and 899, the message relates to the SAP BW system.

When nnn is between 900 and 999, the message (environment settings error, system error, or forced termination) relates to JP1/AJS3 for EAP.


Indicates the message type.

E: Error. The processing is aborted.

W: Warning. Processing continues after the message is output.

I: Information. Imparts information to the user.

The language types available for message generation vary with the OS used. For the language types available for message generation, see 2. Installation and Setup.