
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


Organization of this page

Format 1

jr3chrfc [-expwd {ON | OFF}]

Format 2

jr3chrfc -help


Sets the availability of the extended password. Also, outputs the extended password's availability status to standard output.

The content set by this command is saved in the RFC library status management file (for Windows: installation destination folder \system\jr3chrfc, for Linux: /etc/opt/jp1_am_r3/.jr3chrfc).

In Windows, this command is executed by a user with Administrator permissions and in Linux, it is executed by a superuser.


No argument

Outputs the extended password's availability status to standard output.

-expwd ON

Makes the extended password available. If the setting is changed, a KAJM0601-I message appears.

If you failed to change the setting, a message appears and the command execution is terminated. Take the action indicated by the displayed message.

You must specify the ON or OFF option. You cannot specify both at the same time. You can specify ON in either upper- or lower-case.

-expwd OFF

Makes the extended password unavailable. If the setting is changed, a KAJM0601-I message appears.

If you failed to change the setting, a message appears and the command execution is terminated. Take the action indicated by the displayed message.

You must specify the ON or OFF option. You cannot specify both at the same time. You can specify OFF in either upper- or lower-case.


Displays how to use this command.

Return values


The availability of the extended password was successfully changed, or the extended password's availability status was successfully displayed.


The change in availability of the extended password failed, or display of the extended password's availability status failed.


Usage examples