
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.3.3 Setting the language type (Linux)

This setup need only be performed when you are using Linux.

You can output messages in English or Japanese. To specify the language type, use environment variable LANG. The following table describes the available character code sets and the values that environment variable LANG may take.

Table 2‒13: Available character codes and environment variable LANG values


Available character code

Environment variable LANG value



Shift JIS code

ja_JP.SJIS or ja_JP.sjis#

UTF-8 code




#: Use SUSE Linux only.

  • If ja_JP.UTF-8 is set for the environment variable LANG in Linux, English is used as the language type.

  • If any other value is set for LANG, English is used as the language type.

  • If different character codes are used for the JP1/AJS3 for EAP language environment and the SAP BW system language environment, the information that is obtained from the SAP BW system might be displayed incorrectly (except for when Japanese UTF-8 code is used as the character code in Linux).

  • To use Japanese UTF-8 code as the character code in Linux, specify 8000 as the Shift JIS code page number for either the environment variable SAP_CODEPAGE or the Codepage key in the Command section of the environment settings file. For details about how to specify the Shift JIS code page number, see 2.3.1 Setting the operating environment for JP1/AJS3 for EAP (InfoPackage control or process chain control).

  • If you handle Japanese character input data by using Japanese UTF-8 code as the character code in Linux, the command argument is converted to Shift JIS. For this reason, make sure to note the specified length of the character string.

    If Japanese is the selected language type, JP1/AJS3 for EAP can use the following characters:

    - ASCII/JIS Roman characters

    - One-byte katakana characters

    - JIS X 0208-1990 characters

    If the character code for JP1/AJS3 for EAP is Japanese UTF-8, JP1/AJS3 for EAP cannot use the following characters:

    tilde, two vertical lines, dash, cent, pound, negation sign, backslash, underline, yen, overline

    Also, JP1/AJS3 for EAP cannot use external characters, platform-dependent characters, or the newly-defined level 3 and level 4 kanji characters in the JIS 2004 standard.