
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.15.1 Common items

The following items appear on each page of the Format Definition Settings window:

Format definition name

Enter the name of the format definition in 59 or fewer bytes. If you use the Browse button to select an existing format definition file, this field displays the file name minus the extension (.jof).


Enter a title for the format definition in 64 or fewer bytes. You can display the title in the header and footer of the document.


Clears the information in the Format Definition Settings window.


Displays the Select Format Definition File window. When you select a format definition file, the format information in that file appears in the Format Definition Settings window.


Displays the Save Format Definition File window. The format information in the Format Definition Settings window is saved to the file you specify.

The file name cannot contain any of the following symbols:

\ / : * ? " < > |

Do not specify a file name that is longer than 63 bytes (including the extension). Make sure that the path and file name do not exceed 258 bytes in total, and the path alone does not exceed 194 bytes.


Closes the Format Definition Settings window.