
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.9 Jobnet Flow PDF Output window

From the Jobnet Flow PDF Output window, you can output jobnet definitions to a PDF file as a jobnet flow image.

Figure 7‒21: Jobnet Flow PDF Output window


The following describes the displayed items.

Output whole job hierarchical tree

Select this option to output information for the specified unit and all its subordinate units.

Output n levels of job hierarchical tree. Specify n:

Select this option to output information for a specified number of hierarchical levels below the specified unit.

Specify the number of hierarchical levels as a value from 1 to 2,147,483,647. The default is 1.

If you specify 1, the system outputs information for the units directly below the specified unit in the hierarchy.

Insert a page break before a jobnet

Select this check box to insert a page break between jobnets.

PDF file name

Specify the target file for PDF output. Note the following when specifying the PDF file name:

  • Make sure that the file name does not exceed 63 bytes, and the path and file name together do not exceed 258 bytes.

  • Specify .pdf as the file extension.

  • Do not use machine-dependent characters or any of the following symbols in the file name.

    \ / : * ? " < > | $ ` -

The default path and file name consists of:

The value specified in the Saved PDF file of map and jobnet flow output field in the Environment Settings window as the path, the date and time at which the Jobnet Flow PDF Output window was displayed as the file name (in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss#), and the extension .pdf.


YYYY: four-digit year; MM: Month (01 to 12), DD: Day (01 to 31), hh: Hour (00 to 23), mm: minutes (00 to 59), ss: seconds (00 to 59)


Starts jobnet flow PDF output.


Cancels processing and closes the window.

Figure 7‒22: Example of jobnet flow PDF output (When the data layout has one column, without a last update time)


Figure 7‒23: Example of jobnet flow PDF output (When the data layout has one column, with a last update time)


Figure 7‒24: Example of jobnet flow PDF output (When the data layout has two columns, without a last update time)


When jobnet flow PDF output is performed for multiple jobnets, the jobnet flow images cascade downward.

The name of each jobnet is displayed in full, prefixed by Name:.

The jobnet flow image appears after the jobnet name.

A jobnet flow image can contain a maximum of 100 x 100 jobs per jobnet.

When you collect job operation information from JP1/AJS3 - Manager 09-00 or later, last update time appears at the top of the image only if you configured the system to collect it.

Cautionary notes: