
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

3.2.1 Settings for environment settings parameters

The following table lists the environment settings parameters.

Table 3‒4: List of environment settings parameters.



Environment settings parameter

Settings for the general execution environment

User authentication level


JP1 user name


Server host used for user mapping


Name of the manager host to be connected


Scheduler service name


Name of the folder for execution result files


Name of the folder for temporary files for import


Name of the folder for temporary files for export


Name of the folder for error information


Specification of whether to give higher priority to IPv6 addresses for the resolution of host names


Specification of whether to activate the user name in the dialog box.


Specification of whether to activate the host name in the dialog box.


Specification of whether to activate the service name in the dialog box.


Specification of whether to activate the character code in the dialog box.


Specification of whether to activate the unit name in the dialog box.


Specification of whether to use the encrypted communication function


Root certificate file name


Specification of whether to resolve the server host name used for user mapping of the JP1 user by reverse lookup on a client machine when the user authentication function is used


Settings for limitations

Maximum number of units that can be imported using a file in xls format


Maximum number of units that can be exported using a file in xls format


Maximum number of units that can be imported using a file in xlsm format


Maximum number of units that can be exported to a file in xlsm format


Maximum number of execution result files


Maximum number of error information files


Settings for the import function

Complete name of the import unit


Automatic import


Name of the manager host connected to during an import


Name of the scheduler service connected to during an import


Specification of whether to output the output order of Previous for the unit common definition information during an import in ascending order of the unit name's character code.


Specification of whether to preliminarily check the number of units to be imported during import


Specification of whether to use the memory for outputting the values of the definition columns to cells when importing definition information


Specification of whether to use the functionality that reduces the number of internal commands that are executed when definition information is imported, thereby improving the processing time


Settings for the export function

Complete name of the export unit


Export automatic execution


Name of the manager host connected to during an export


Name of the scheduler service connected to during an export


Memory loading level


Settings for the error-checking function

Required settings items to be checked


Settings for the JP1/AJS3 - View startup function

Name of the logon information file for JP1/AJS3 - View


Specification of whether to activate the user name in the dialog box when the definition information management template is started from JP1/AJS - View.


Settings for display customization function

Output for execution status


Operation button to hide display


Output suppression of the dialog box indicating normal termination of automatic processing


Setting to hide the definition information column


Display of common definition information section


Display of common attribute information section


Display of manager unit definition information section


Display of job group definition information section


Display of calendar definition information section


Display of jobnet definition information section


Display of jobnet connector definition information section


Display of start condition definition information section


Display of schedule definition information section


Display of basic jobs definition information section


Display of judgment job definition information section


Display of event job definition information section


Display of action job definition information section


Display of job common attribute information section


Display of preceding wait condition definition information section


Display of tool unit definition information section


Display of flexible job definition information section


Display of http connection job definition information section


Display of other definition information section


Display of custom job definition information section


Display of last updated time information section


Display of the message cell after importing or exporting is performed


Settings for input restriction

List of input candidates for target host names


List of input candidates for owners


List of input candidates for JP1 resource group names


List of input candidates for execution user names


List of input candidates for job group names


List of input candidates for environment variable file names


List of input candidates for priority


Maximum length of unit names


Maximum length of comments


Maximum number of logs to keep


Maximum threshold for abnormal termination


Maximum threshold for warning termination


Usage of Passing information in the Tool unit definition information section


Settings for remote execution of commands

Retry interval for remote execution of commands


Retry count for remote execution of commands


Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings for the general execution environment


Specifies the user authentication level of a JP1 user name and password in decimal notation.

Specifiable values are 0, 1, and 2.


User authentication entry items (user name and password) are not displayed in the Import of unit definition and Export of unit definition dialog boxes.


User authentication entry items (user name and password) are displayed in the Import of unit definition and Export of unit definition dialog boxes.

When you start the definition information management template from JP1/AJS3 - View, the definition information management template is started by the inherited JP1 JP1/AJS3 - View user.


User authentication entry items (user name and password) are displayed in the Import of unit definition and Export of unit definition dialog boxes.

When you start the definition information management template from JP1/AJS3 - View, the Import of unit definition dialog box appears. You will need to enter a JP1 user name and password.

The default is 0.

Note that when the definition information management template is automatically imported or exported, this parameter value is invalid.


Specifies the JP1 user name used importing or exporting the definition information with a string of 31 or fewer bytes.

If you specify a value other than 0 for USERCHECKLEVEL and then specify this parameter, the JP1 user name specified for this parameter is displayed in User name of the Import of unit definition and Export of unit definition dialog boxes. However, when you start the definition information management template from JP1/AJS3 - View, the JP1 user name inherited from JP1/AJS3 - View is displayed rather than the JP1 user name specified for this parameter.

If this parameter is omitted, User name of the Import of unit definition and Export of unit definition dialog boxes are blank.


Specifies whether to set the manager host name as the server host name to be used for user mapping.


The manager host name is used as the server host name. Specify this option when using the same authentication method that is used in JP1/AJS3 - View.


The local host name (the name of the host on which JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant has been installed) is used as the server host name.

If you specify N for SERVERHOST-USE-REVERSELOOKUP, this parameter becomes invalid.

The default is Y.

This parameter is enabled only when a value other than 0 is specified for USERCHECKLEVEL.


Specifies the name of the manager host to which connection is to take place, within 255 bytes. You can also specify an IP address.

By default, no manager host name is specified.


Specifies the scheduler service name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that contains the unit to be imported or exported, within 30 bytes.

By default, this is AJSROOT1.


Specifies the name of the folder in which execution result files are to be saved when definition information is imported or exported, within 184 bytes.

The default settings are as follows:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

When specifying a folder other than the default, make sure that the folder has been created.


Specifies the name of the folder for saving temporary files for import, within 223 bytes. These temporary files are text files that contain definition information extracted from the manager host when definition information was imported, and are used to edit displayed information.

The default settings are as follows:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

When specifying a folder other than the default, first make sure that the folder has been created.


Specifies the name of the folder for saving temporary files for import, within 223 bytes. This folder contains files such as unit definition files created when definition information is exported.

The default settings are as follows:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

When specifying a folder other than the default, first make sure that the folder has been created.


Specifies the name of the folder for error information, within 220 bytes.

The default settings are as follows:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

When specifying a folder other than the default, first make sure that the folder has been created.


Specifies whether to give higher priority to IPv6 addresses for the resolution of host names when importing or exporting the definition information.


IPv4 addresses are specified for name resolution.

If only an IPv6 address can be obtained when this option is specified, the IPv6 address is used.


IPv6 addresses are specified for name resolution.

If only an IPv4 address can be obtained when this option is specified, the IPv4 address is used.

The default is FALSE.


Specifies whether to activate the user name on the Import of unit definition dialog box and Export of unit definition dialog box.


Activates the user name.


Deactivates the user name.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to activate the host name on the Import of unit definition dialog box and Export of unit definition dialog box.


Activates the host name.


Deactivates the host name.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to activate the service name on the Import of unit definition dialog box and Export of unit definition dialog box.


Activates the service name.


Deactivates the service name.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to activate the character code on the Import of unit definition dialog box and Export of unit definition dialog box.


Activates the character code.


Deactivates the character code.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to activate the unit name on the Import of unit definition dialog box and Export of unit definition dialog box.


Activates the unit name.


Deactivates the unit name.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to use the encrypted communication function.


Enables the use of the encrypted communication function. When you specify this option, specify a value for the CACERTIFICATEFILE parameter.


Disables the use of the encrypted communication function.

The default is 0.


This parameter specifies the path to the root certificate file, within 255 bytes, when the encrypted communication function is used. If the SSL-ENABLE parameter is set to 1, be sure to specify this parameter.

By default, the path to the root certificate file is not specified.

Note that the file path for the specified root certificate must not be enclosed in double quotation marks (this also applies to file paths that include spaces).

For example, to specify "c:\Program files (x86)\..." as the file path for storing a root certificate, specify "CACERTIFICATEFILE=c:\Program files (x86)\...".


Specifies whether to resolve the server host name used for user mapping of the JP1 user by reverse lookup (converting an IP address to a host name) on a client machine when the user authentication function is used.


The server host name is resolved by reverse lookup on a client machine.

To enable reverse lookup (converting an IP address to a host name) of the manager machine, the settings for reverse DNS server lookup or the settings in the hosts file are required.


When the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager version is 11-50 or later, the server host name is not resolved by reverse lookup on a client machine. It is resolved on the manager machine.

When the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager version is earlier than 11-50, the server host name is resolved by reverse lookup on a client machine.

The default is Y.

This parameter is enabled only when a value other than 0 is specified for USERCHECKLEVEL.

(2) Settings for limitations


Specifies the maximum number of units (rows) displayed in the definition information management template xls format when definition information is imported, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-65,000.

The default is 5000.


Specifies the maximum number of units (rows) displayed in the definition information management template in xls format when definition information is exported, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-65,000.

The default is 5000.


Specifies the maximum number of units (rows) displayed in the definition information management template in xlsm format when definition information is imported, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-1,048,556.

The default is 130000.


Specifies the maximum number of units (rows) displayed in the definition information management template in xlsm format when definition information is exported at the same time, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-1,048,556.

The default is 130000.


Specifies the maximum number of execution result files to be saved in the folder for execution result files as specified in the BACKUP-FOLDER parameter, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-1,000.

The default is 100.

This value is the total of the values for the files with xls and xlsm format.

When the maximum number of execution result files has been reached, import and export can no longer be performed. In this case, either move the execution result files to another folder, or erase them.


Specifies the maximum number of error information files to be saved in the folder for error information files as specified in the TMP-ERRLOG-FOLDER parameter, in decimal notation.

Specify a value in the range 1-1,000.

The default is 100.

When the maximum number of error information files is reached, the oldest file is deleted to make room for a new one.

If you specify a value smaller than the number of existing error information files, error information files exceeding the maximum number are not deleted. When you specify this option, either specify a value larger than the number of existing error information files, or delete error information files.

(3) Settings for the import function


Specifies the complete name of the import unit for importing definition information, within 930 bytes. Wildcards such as * and ? can be used for a unit name at the lowest level, but they cannot be used for the complete name of an upper unit. When this parameter is specified, you do not need to enter a unit name in the dialog box displayed when the IMPORT button is clicked. This is useful for specifying the same unit name each time.

To leave the complete name of the import unit blank, specify N.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not to automatically import definition information.


Definition information is imported automatically when the definition information management template (master file) is opened. When you specify Y, you must also specify the complete name of the unit to be imported, in the IMPORT-UNIT-NAME parameter. If this name is not specified, automatic import will not be performed.

This parameter cannot be set to Y at the same time with AUTO-EXPORT=Y.


Definition information is not imported automatically when the definition information management template is opened.

The default is N.

If Y is specified for this parameter when the definition information management template is opened from JP1/AJS3 - View, automatic import is performed. When import is completed, the definition information management template is closed.


Specifies the name of the manager host to connect to within 255 bytes if importing definition information. You can also specify an IP address.

The manager host name is not specified by default.


Specifies the scheduler service name, within 30 bytes, of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that has a unit to be imported.

The scheduler service name is not specified by default.


Specifies whether to output, in ascending order of the unit name character code, the output order of Previous for the unit common definition information, when you import definition information.


Outputs the output order of Previous in ascending order of the unit name character code.


Outputs the output order of Previous in unit creation order.

If JP1/AJS3 at the connection destination is version 10-50 or later, the unit names are output in accordance with the environment setting parameter AJSPRINTSORTUNITINF.

The default is N.

Also, if JP1/AJS3 at the connection destination is a version earlier than 10-50, do not specify Y for this parameter.


Specifies whether to preliminarily check the number of units to be imported during import of the definition information.

The preliminary check verifies that the number of units to be imported does not exceed the MAX-IMPORT-UNIT value# or XLSM-MAX-IMPORT-UNIT#. If the number of units exceeds that value, an error message is output, causing the processing to stop.


- For the definition information management template in xls format : MAX-IMPORT-UNIT

- For the definition information management template in xlsm format : XLSM-MAX-IMPORT-UNIT


Specifies to perform the preliminary check.


Specifies not to perform the preliminary check.

The default is N.


Specifies whether to use the memory for outputting the values of the definition columns to cells when importing definition information, in decimal notation.


The memory is not used.


The memory is used.

Although more memory is used and the size of the execution results file will increase, the processing time is expected to be reduced.

The default is 0.

If you change the value of the environment settings parameter, determine the value by using the amount of the memory on the machine and the formula to estimate the memory requirements in the document.


Specify whether to use the functionality that reduces the number of internal commands that are executed when definition information is imported, thereby improving the processing time.


The functionality is used.

If the version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager at the connection destination is 10-00 or later, this functionality reduces the number of times commands are executed.

Although more memory is used, the processing time is expected to be reduced.

If the version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager at the connection destination is earlier than 10-00, this functionality does not reduce the number of times commands are executed. Because of this, the processing time cannot be expected to decrease.


The functionality is not used.

The default is Y.

This environment settings parameter affects the import processing time and memory requirements. If you want to change the value of this parameter, refer to the formula for estimating the import processing time and memory requirements.

(4) Settings for the export function


Specifies the complete name of the export unit for exporting definition information (batch definition), within 930 bytes. You cannot use wildcards such as * and ?. When this parameter is specified, you do not need to enter a unit name for the export destination in the dialog box displayed when the EXPORT button is clicked. This is useful for specifying the same unit name each time.

To leave the complete name of the export unit blank, specify N.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not to automatically export definition information.


Definition information is exported automatically when the definition information management template is opened. When you specify Y, you must also specify the complete name of the unit to be exported, in the EXPORT-UNIT-NAME parameter. If this name is not specified, automatic export will not be performed.

This parameter cannot be set to Y at the same time with AUTO-IMPORT=Y.


Definition information is not exported automatically when the definition information management template is opened.

The default is N.

Note that export is still performed when this parameter is set to Y and an attempt is made to view an execution result file. When opening these files to check their contents and perform modifications, set this parameter to N.

Also, do not set this parameter to Y when opening the definition information management template from JP1/AJS3 - View, since the priority for automatic export will cause an error to occur.


Specifies the name of the manager host to connect to within 255 bytes if exporting definition information. You can also specify an IP address.

The manager host name is not specified by default.


Specifies the scheduler service name, within 30 bytes, of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager that has a unit to be exported.

The scheduler service name is not specified by default.

BATCHEXPORT-USEMEMORY=Memory loading level

Specifies at what level the values of the definition columns should be loaded into memory when exporting definition information (using the batch definition function), in decimal notation.


The values of the definition columns are not loaded into memory.


The values of Section, Unit name in the unit definition information section, and Upper unit name in the Unit definition information section are loaded into memory, exporting definition information (batch definition).

Although more memory is used, the processing time is expected to be reduced.

By default, the value is set to 0 for the xls format file and 1 for the xlsm format file.

If you use this environment setting parameter, use the memory amount on the machine and the formula to estimate the memory requirements for documents, to determine the value. For details about estimating the memory requirements, see C.2(1) Estimating memory usage.

(5) Settings for the error-checking function


Specifies definition item keywords for required input items, to check whether or not the items have been entered in definition information created using the definition information management template. For details about definition item keywords, see 3.2.2 List of definition item keywords. When checking multiple items, separate each definition item keyword with a colon (:). Specify N to have no check performed.

Note that the only items that can be checked are those that can be specified for the unit type. Check cannot be performed for items that cannot be specified for the unit type.

The default is N.

(6) Settings for the JP1/AJS3 - View startup function

VIEW-LOGINFILE=name-of-the-JP1/AJS3 - View-logon-information-file

Specifies the name of the JP1/AJS3 - View logon information file within 255 bytes, to prevent the logon window from being displayed when JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant is started from JP1/AJS3 - View. The logon information file contains the user name and password used for logon. For details about the logon information file, such as its format, see 3.1.7(1) Starting JP1/AJS3 - View from the definition information management template.

When this parameter is omitted, the logon window will be displayed when an attempt is made to start JP1/AJS3 - View.

JP1/AJS3 - View cannot be started from JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant in the following cases:

  • The file whose name is specified in this parameter does not exist.

  • JP1/AJS3 - View is not installed on the same machine.


Specifies whether to activate the user name on the Import of unit definition dialog box when you started the definition information management template from JP1/AJS - View.


Activates the user name.


Deactivates the user name.

The default is Y.

This parameter is valid when 2 is specified for the user authentication level of USERCHECKLEVEL.

(7) Settings for display customization function


Specifies whether or not to display the processing status when import or export is performed in the definition information management template.


Displays the processing status when import or export is performed. When Y is specified, processing can take as much as 2 or 3 times as long as when N is specified. Specify Y when the ability to monitor the processing status is more important than the processing performance itself.


Does not display the processing status when import or export is performed. Specify N when processing performance is more important.

The default is N.


Specifies the name of the operation buttons to be hidden on the definition information management template. When specifying multiple buttons, separate each one with a colon (:). To display all of the buttons, specify N.

Note that the corresponding function keys for any hidden operation buttons are also disabled.


Displays all of the operation buttons: IMPORT, EXPORT, CHECK, and VIEW.


Hides the IMPORT button.


Hides the EXPORT button.


Hides the CHECK button.


Hides the VIEW button.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not the following dialog boxes are to be hidden when automatic import or automatic export is performed for the definition information management template.

  • The export deletion confirmation dialog box (KAVZ0407-Q)

  • The execution results report dialog boxes (KAVZ0302-I or KAVZ0402-I)


The dialog boxes listed above are not displayed when automatic import or automatic export is performed for the definition information management template.


The dialog boxes listed above are displayed when automatic import or automatic export is performed for the definition information management template.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to hide definition items in the definition information management template. Specify the keywords of the definition items you wish to hide. The columns of the specified definition item keywords will not be displayed when the definition information management template is opened. When hiding multiple definition items, separate each definition item keyword with a colon (:). For details about definition item keywords, see 3.2.2 List of definition item keywords.

To specify no definition item keywords, specify N.

Sections, unit names, complete names of upper unit and unit types cannot be hidden.

Note that Excel functionality can be used to re-display items specified to be hidden.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not to display the unit common definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the unit common definition information section.


Does not display the unit common definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the unit common attribute information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the unit common attribute information section.


Does not display the unit common attribute information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the manager unit definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the manager unit definition information section.


Does not display the manager unit definition information section.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not to display the job group definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the job group definition information section.


Does not display the job group definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the calendar definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the calendar definition information section.


Does not display the calendar definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the jobnet definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the jobnet definition information section.


Does not display the jobnet definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the jobnet connector definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the jobnet connector definition information section.


Does not display the jobnet connector definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the start condition definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the start condition definition information section.


Does not display the start condition definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the schedule definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the schedule definition information section.


Does not display the schedule definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the basic job (PC jobs, UNIX jobs, and QUEUE jobs) definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the basic job definition information section.


Does not display the basic job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the judgment job definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the judgment job definition information section.


Does not display the judgment job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the event job definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the event job definition information section.


Does not display the event job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the action job definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the action job definition information section.


Does not display the action job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the job common attribute information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the job common attribute information section.


Does not display the job common attribute information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the preceding wait condition definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the preceding wait condition definition information section.


Does not display the preceding wait condition definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the tool unit definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the tool unit definition information section.


Does not display the tool unit definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the Flexible job definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the Flexible job definition information section.


Does not display the Flexible job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the Http connection job definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the Http connection job definition information section.


Does not display the Http connection job definition information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the other definition information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the other definition information section.


Does not display the other definition information section.

Default is Y.


Specifies whether or not to display the custom job definition information section in the definition information management template. The displayed items apply only to custom PC jobs, and do not apply to custom UNIX jobs. The custom job type that can be specified for display is JP1AMR3. To hide custom job definition information, specify N.

When you specify a custom job type, custom job-specific headers are created automatically, making definition information easier to read during import, and easier to input during export.

This parameter is valid only for when the master file of the definition information management template is opened, and is disregarded for opening execution result files and definition information management templates copied under another name. Since title item is fixed when the definition information management template is saved, when you open an execution result file, or a definition information management template copied under another name, the title item from the time the file was saved is displayed.

The default is N.


Specifies whether or not to display the last updated time information section in the definition information management template.


Displays the last updated time information section.


Does not display the last updated time information section.

The default is Y.


Specifies whether to move the cursor to the message output cell and display the message if a message is output to the last column of the definition information management template when importing or exporting is performed.


Does not move the cursor to the message output cell when importing or exporting is performed even if a message has been output to the last column of the definition information management template.


Moves the cursor to the message output cell if a message was output to the last column of the definition information management template when importing or exporting is executed.

When exporting is performed, the system moves the cursor only when the processing count does not match the number specified in the KAVZ0402-I message dialog box.


Moves the cursor to the message output cell if a message was output to the last column of the definition information management template when importing or exporting is executed.

When exporting is performed, the system moves the cursor regardless of whether the processing count matches the number specified in the KAVZ0402-I message dialog box.

The default is ERROR.

(8) Settings for input restriction


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for Target host, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the host name to hostA, hostB, and hostC, specify SELECT-EXECHOST=hostA,hostB,hostC. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N. Note that it is impossible to specify only the target host name N.

If you want to specify the target host name N, specify it together with another target host name.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for Owner, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the owner name to ownerA, ownerB, and ownerC, specify SELECT-OWNER=ownerA,ownerB,ownerC. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N. Note that it is impossible to specify only the owner name N.

If you want to specify the owner name N, specify it together with another owner name.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for JP1 resource group, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the group name to groupA, groupB, and groupC, specify SELECT-JP1GROUP=groupA,groupB,groupC. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N. Note that it is impossible to specify only the JP1 resource group name N.

If you want to specify the JP1 resource group name N, specify it together with another JP1 resource group name.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for User name, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the user name to userA, userB, and userC, specify SELECT-EXECUSER=userA,userB,userC. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N. Note that it is impossible to specify only the user name N.

If you want to specify the user name N, specify it together with another user name.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for Job group name, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the group name to /groupA/X, /groupB/Y, and /groupC/Z, specify SELECT-JOBNETCALENDAR=/groupA/X,/groupB/Y,/groupC/Z. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for Environment file, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the file name to /tmp/env1, /tmp/env2, and /tmp/env3, specify SELECT-ENVFILE=/tmp/env1,/tmp/env2,/tmp/env3. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N.

The default is N.


Specifies the candidates for restricting the values than can be specified for Priority, in the definition information management template. When specifying multiple candidates, you can use a maximum of 255 bytes. Separate each one with a comma (,). For example, to limit the values that can be specified for the priority to 1, 3, and 5, specify SELECT-NICE=1,3,5. When this parameter is specified, the input candidates are displayed in a list box, and values other than those displayed cannot be entered. To leave the input unrestricted, specify N.

The default is N.


Specifies the maximum length for Unit name when definition information is exported, in decimal notation. This value can be from 1 to 30, in bytes. To specify the same maximum length as that for JP1/AJS, specify N. Any specified value greater than that for JP1/AJS (30) will be treated as 30.

The default is N.


Specifies the maximum length for Comment when definition information is exported, in decimal notation. This value can be from 1 to 80, in bytes. To specify the same maximum length as that for JP1/AJS, specify N. Any specified value greater than that for JP1/AJS (80) will be treated as 80.

The default is N.


Specifies the maximum for No. logs to keep when definition information is exported, in decimal notation. This value can be from 1 to 999. To specify the same maximum number as that for JP1/AJS, specify N. Any specified value greater than that for JP1/AJS (999) will be treated as 999.

The default is N.


Specifies the maximum for Abnormal when definition information is exported, in decimal notation. This value can be from 1 to 2,147,483,647. To specify the same maximum number as that for JP1/AJS, specify N. Any specified value greater than that for JP1/AJS (2,147,483,647) will be treated as 2,147,483,647.

The default is N.


Specifies the maximum for Warning when definition information is exported, in decimal notation. This value can be from 1 to 2,147,483,647. To specify the same maximum number as that for JP1/AJS, specify N. Any specified value greater than that for JP1/AJS (2,147,483,647) will be treated as 2,147,483,647.

The default is N.


Specifies the usage of Passing information in the Tool unit definition information section.


Specifies the usage of Passing information in the Tool unit definition information section.

When you specify this option, you do not need to specify the fixed value needed for the execution file name and environment variable when you define a passing information setting job in the unit definition file.


Specify this option to set the same definition for the passing information of a passing information setting job as that in the unit definition file.

When you specify this option, you need to specify the fixed value needed for the execution file name and environment variable when you define a passing information setting job in the unit definition file.

The default is VIEW.

For details about how to define a passing information setting job for each case, see 4.3.1(5) Defining passing information setting jobs.

(9) Settings for remote execution of commands


Specifies, in decimal notation, the interval (seconds) at which retries are performed when an attempt to acquire connection destination information fails during remote execution of a command. This value can be from 0 to 10, in seconds.

The default is 1.


Specifies, in decimal notation, the number of retries that are performed when an attempt to acquire connection destination information fails during remote execution of a command. This value can be from 0 to 100.

The default is 3.