
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

1.2.4 Reducing mistakes in definition information

JP1/AJS definition information contains items for which the specifiable values and ranges are fixed. For these items, the template has drop-down lists from which you can select the appropriate registered value, preventing you from entering an invalid value. This reduces input errors in the definition information.

You can also customize the environment settings file to set up drop-down lists for items for which drop-down lists are not displayed by default. In both cases, since only valid values can be specified, you can reduce the number of mistakes made when entering definition information.

Also, for items for which the number of specifiable characters is restricted, you can change the settings to an optional value within the range of those for JP1/AJS. Since you can specify user-specific restricted values to suit your operating environment, you can easily check whether a definition contains mistakes.

For details about restricted values for JP1/AJS definition information, see the following: