
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

3.1.1 Default custom jobs

JP1/AJS3 provides default custom jobs as standard to link Windows versions of JP1 series products. If you want to link UNIX versions of JP1 series products, register a job as a custom Unix job.

Organization of this subsection

(1) List of default custom jobs

The following table lists default custom jobs.

Table 3‒1: List of default custom jobs

Default custom job name



This job works with JP1/FTP to transfer files.


This job works with JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications to execute the background jobs of the R/3 system.


This job works with JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications to execute the info packages of the BW system.


This job works with JP1/Advanced Shell to execute the script file of JP1/Advanced Shell.


This job works with JP1/DH - AJE to send and receive data to and from JP1/DH - Server.

(2) Preparation for executing a default custom job

The preparation for executing a default custom job includes installing programs and registering the default custom job. Read the following for details.

Icons for the following default custom jobs are provided with JP1/AJS3.

To obtain the icon for any other job, copy it from the linked program.