
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-F service-name]
     [-u unit-name]
     [-o unit-name]
     -i file-of-registered-execution-schedule-information-for-jobnet-name


The ajsrgimport command imports jobnet registered execution-schedule information, and registers root jobnets for execution based on the imported information.

Execution privileges

You must have any of the following JP1 privileges:


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.


Specify this option if you do not want to execute jobnets that have been scheduled for execution on the current day and the execution time has already passed. This option is valid for all jobnets specified in the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets regardless of whether the type of execution registration is planned execution or fixed execution.


Holds execution of root jobnets when they are registered for execution based on the imported information.

When the command imports jobnets registered for planned execution or fixed execution, execution of only the first execution generation is held among generations created when jobnets are registered for execution. For generations to be held, the specification of this option takes precedence over the hold-release information in the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets.

If jobnets registered for planned execution with the hold attribute set# are exported by the ajsrgexport command and then imported by the ajsrgimport command, the first execution generation after the import is not held. If you want to hold the first execution generation after the import, specify the -h option in the ajsrgimport command.

If jobnets registered for fixed execution with the hold attribute set# are exported by the ajsrgexport command and then imported by the ajsrgimport command, the execution schedule after the execution date of the ajsrgimport command is imported. This means that, depending on the exported execution schedule and the execution day of the ajsrgimport command, the execution schedule with the hold attribute might or might not be imported. Specify the -h option for the ajsrgimport command if you want to hold the first execution generation after importing the registered execution-schedule information, regardless of the value of the hold setting of exported execution schedule.

You cannot use this option in an environment where the JP1/AJS3 database uses the compatible ISAM configuration.


Jobnets registered for execution by using one of the following methods:

  • Jobnets are registered for execution by using the ajsentry command with the -h option specified (including operations retried from the Temporary Changes dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View).

  • Registered execution-schedule information is imported by using the ajsrgimport command with the-h option specified.

  • In the Register for Execution dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View or JP1/AJS3 - Web Console, the Hold check box is selected for Holding, and then jobnets are registered for execution.

  • In the Add dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View (for root jobnets), the Hold check box is selected for Holding, and then a fixed execution schedule is added.

-u unit-name

Specify the unit name of a root jobnet or job group you want to import. You can use a maximum of 930 bytes to specify the unit name. Note that you cannot use wildcard characters. Also, you cannot specify a scheduler service name, host name, or execution ID.

You can specify multiple -u options in the -u unit-name -u unit-name ... format.

If root jobnets that have the same name as the specified unit names are found in the registered execution-schedule information file, these root jobnets are registered for execution. Similarly, if root jobnets belonging to job groups that have the same name as the specified unit names are found in the registered execution-schedule information file, these root jobnets are registered for execution.

If you specify neither the -o option nor this option, registered execution-schedule information about all units specified in the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets specified in the -i option is imported.

You cannot specify the -u option together with the -o option.

-o unit-name

Specify the unit name of a root jobnet or job group you do not want to import. You can use a maximum of 930 bytes to specify the unit name. Note that you cannot use wildcard characters. Also, you cannot specify a scheduler service name, host name, or execution ID.

You can specify multiple -o options in the -o unit-name -o unit-name ... format.

If root jobnets that have the same name as the specified unit names are found in the registered execution-schedule information file, the other root jobnets are registered for execution. Similarly, if root jobnets belonging to job groups that have the same name as the specified unit names are found in the registered execution-schedule information file, the other root jobnets are registered for execution. If a specified unit name is not found in the file, this option is ignored.

If you specify neither the -u option nor this option, registered execution-schedule information about all units specified in the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets specified in the -i option is imported.

You cannot specify the -o option together with the -u option.

-i file-of-registered-execution-schedule-information-for-jobnet-name

Specify the name of the file to which registered execution-schedule information has been exported.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes. If the length of the specified file name exceeds 255 bytes, the following message is output: KAVS4829-E Specified file name (file-name) is too long.

Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end


Example 1

The following command imports all contents of the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets.

ajsrgimport -F AJSROOT1 -i unitreg.txt

Example 2

The following command imports information about a specific unit (/GROUPA/JOBNETA) specified in the file of registered execution-schedule information for jobnets.

ajsrgimport -F AJSROOT1 -i unitreg.txt -u /GROUPA/JOBNETA