
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

7.3.2 Registering a jobnet-definition release

When you register a jobnet-definition release, you register a previously-defined jobnet definition so that it will be switched into a running jobnet at a specified date and time. When a jobnet-definition release is registered, all running jobnets are treated as jobnets with release information. As a result, the release-target jobnet icon is displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

You can use either of the following methods to register a jobnet-definition release:

For details about how to use the JP1/AJS3 - View window to register a jobnet-definition release, see 9.14.1 Performing release entry for jobnets in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. For details about how to use the ajsrelease command, see ajsrelease in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Cautionary notes
  • A jobnet whose schedule is later than the release time and which has been registered for fixed execution with either a period or a date specified cannot be specified as a release target. In such cases, cancel the registration or prohibit the execution of schedules after the release time, and then register the jobnet-definition release. Note, however, that if a number of future generations is also specified for the jobnet registered for fixed execution, you can register the jobnet-definition release even when the schedule of the jobnet is later than the release time.

  • You cannot use the jobnet release function for jobnets of different scheduler services.

  • The following jobnets cannot be specified as a release source:

    - A jobnet that has already been specified as a release target

    - A suspended jobnet

    - A jobnet being edited

    - A jobnet being used by another user

    - A jobnet for which at least two of the following are defined: a jobnet connector, a connection-destination jobnet, or a start condition (.CONDITION)

  • The following jobnets cannot be specified as a release source:

    - A suspended jobnet

    - Jobnets in the Shutdown status

    - A jobnet being edited

    - Jobnet on which another user is performing operations#

    - A jobnet for which at least two of the following are defined: a jobnet connector, a connection-destination jobnet, or a start condition (.CONDITION)


    If the operation being performed by the other user is setting or releasing the hold attribute that applies to a unit under a jobnet whose status is Being applied, the jobnet can be specified as a release target.

  • A jobnet whose definition is in Release wait, Delete wait or Release entry wait status cannot be specified as a release-target jobnet. If you want to register a jobnet definition in the Release wait status, wait for the jobnet status to change to Being applied. For a jobnet definition in Delete wait or Release entry wait status, cancel the jobnet-definition release, and then re-register it.

  • The scheduler service needs to be running to register a release.

  • Registering a jobnet-definition release creates a system load that is equal to or greater than the load created by the definition for the release-source jobnet. Do not register a jobnet-definition release during peak job execution times.

  • If you register a jobnet-definition release specifying a release-target jobnet for which the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function has been set, the owner and JP1 resource group of that jobnet will be set by the function.

  • When you register a jobnet-definition release, generations after the release date are re-created based on the registered jobnet definition. Therefore, any changes made by temporarily changing the plan before the registering the jobnet-definition release are not passed to the generations after the release date (The information specified during registration for execution, such as macro variables and JP1 user, is passed). If you want to re-apply the temporary changes that you made before you registered the jobnet-definition release to generations after the release date, re-enter the changes using the function for re-execution of temporary changes. For details about this function, see 4.5.16 Displaying and re-executing temporary change operations for a job or jobnet in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

  • Although you register a jobnet-definition release by specifying a release-source jobnet that does not have an execution schedule later than the release date, an execution schedule will not be created. Before you register a jobnet-definition release, execute the ajsschedule command and make sure that the release-source jobnet has an execution schedule later than the release date.

    After you register a jobnet-definition release, use JP1/AJS3 - View or the ajsshow command to confirm that the execution schedule has been created correctly from the definition of the release-source root jobnet. If the execution schedule has not been created, cancel the release, review the definition of the release-source jobnet, and then re-register the jobnet-definition release.

    For details about the ajsschedule command, see ajsschedule in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference. For details about the ajsshow command, see ajsshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  • When fixed execution registration is used, the jobnet definition returns to the unregistered status if:

    - Generations exist only after the specified release date, and

    - A jobnet-definition release is registered for a jobnet definition for which (in the schedule definition) no next scheduled generation is created.

    In such cases, cancel the registration of the jobnet-definition release, review the release-source jobnet definition, again register the jobnet-definition release, and then re-register the jobnet definition for execution.

  • To use the ajslocaldate command to change the scheduler service local time or system time to a past time after registering a jobnet-definition release, you must first execute the ajsdelete command to delete the release-target jobnet.

    If you change the date and time to a past time without deleting the release-target jobnet, operation might not proceed correctly. In such cases, resume the original date and time, delete the release-target jobnet, and then change the date and time again.

    To restore a release-target jobnet, you need to back up the definition information for the release-target jobnet before you register a jobnet-definition release.

  • To restore a release-target jobnet you deleted, you need to use the ajsprint command to back up the definition information for the release-target jobnet before you register a jobnet-definition release. You can restore the release-target jobnet by using the ajsdefine command to define the jobnet definition information from the backup and then re-registering the jobnet-definition release with the release-source specified.

  • Consecutive single-byte space characters placed at the end of a release comment become invalid. Do not use single-byte space characters at the end of a release comment.