
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

3.2.4 Estimating disk capacity

For details about JP1/AJS3 disk capacity, see the Release Notes. However, to estimate the size of user-defined data that is not included in the embedded database in the estimation methods described in the Release Notes, use the procedure below.

There are two cases when estimating user-defined data. In one, the unit for estimation is logical hosts. In the other, the unit is scheduler services.

See the following for details.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Estimation on a logical host basis

When you add logical hosts, you need to estimate the size of user data for each logical host. Use the following formulas for estimating user data by logical host.

Table 3‒11: Estimation of user data by logical host

User-defined data

Value or formula (units: megabytes)

Data for the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs (such as queues)#1


Execution logs for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs (such as job information, the standard error output file, and the standard output file)#1, #2

a x (0.0095 + b + c)

Files such as the standard output file or the standard error output file #3

0.5 x d


Number of job information items for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs

Use the following formula:

number-of-QUEUE-jobs-and-submit-jobs-that-are-executed-per-day x (number-of-days-job-information-retained + 1)


Environment variable size specified in the job execution definition for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs (the maximum is 20 KB; 0 is set when no environment variables are used)


Size of the data output to the standard error output file and the standard output file by submit jobs


Maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for an agent (standard: 5)


Estimation is required only when QUEUE jobs and submit jobs are used in the standard configuration. Estimation is not required for a standard configuration without ISAM or a compatible ISAM configuration.

For the execution environment and execution logs for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs, estimate the disk space requirements for the database directory in the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs. If the directory has been changed, estimate the disk space requirements for the directory after the change.


For a standard configuration, a, b, and c must be estimated for the number of QUEUE jobs and submit jobs. Each time a QUEUE job or submit job is executed, an execution log for that job is saved. Execution logs are deleted when their retention period (number of days) expires. Note, however, that the size of the database used for the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs is not reduced at the moment execution logs are deleted. Accordingly, you need to perform periodic maintenance for the ISAM files used in this execution environment.

For details about how to perform maintenance, see 5.2.2 How to check the unused area of the ISAM files used in the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs, and when the database should be reorganized in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide. For details about how to change the number of days for retaining job information, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


This item depends on the parameters used for job execution, such as the standard output file, the standard error output file, environment variables, and transfer files. As a rough estimate, a job requires 0.5 megabytes multiplied by the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for an agent (standard: 5). However, if you can estimate an average value for the files described above, change the default value for calculation.

(2) Estimation on a scheduler service basis

When you add scheduler services, you need to estimate the size of user data for each scheduler service. Use the following formulas to estimate the size of user data by scheduler service.

Table 3‒12: Estimation of user data by scheduler service

User-defined data

Value or formula (units: megabytes)

Job information per root jobnet#1

number-of-logs-to-keep x total-size-of-standard-output-and-standard-error-output-for-all-jobs-under-root-jobnet

Disk space required for the information for each event job#1

number-of-logs-to-keep x number-of-event-jobs-with- event-job-passing-information-set x 0.004

Event job execution environment data (such as unreported information)#2


Disk space to be used by the temporary change operation management function#4

0.001 + a

Data size of job execution environment (job information)#5



a: The total size of the temporary change information

Calculate the total of the temporary change information size for each root jobnet. To do so, use the following equation:

0.002 x A + 0.003 x B

A: The number of the operations performed on the root jobnet and its lower units that are to be saved as temporary change information

B: The number of operations in A that are performed to add execution schedules by specifying passing information

Temporary change information increases every time you perform an operation that is saved as temporary change information on the root jobnet and its lower units. Note, that for a root jobnet and its lower units for which the expired temporary change information is stored, the expired temporary change information is automatically deleted when you perform an operation that is saved as temporary change information. For details about the operations that are saved as temporary change information and the expiration date of temporary change information, see 4.5.16(1) Displaying temporary change information in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.


Estimate the total for all the registered root jobnets.

Because the data is stored in the directory for job error information, estimate the disk space for the new directory if the storage destination in the JOBINFDIR environment setting parameter is changed.


When an event job (including one set in a start condition) is executed, the definition data of the executed event job and the information about the event when the monitoring condition is satisfied are exchanged between processes such as the event/action control manager and the event/action control agent. During that time, if communication fails because of a temporary network failure or because the destination process is busy, the information to be sent is temporarily stored in a file as unreported information and then re-sent after a preset interval.

The estimated size for unreported information is the maximum size needed to retain the information.

Note that unreported information is deleted when retransmission is successful.


This value is calculated as follows:

Disk space for unreported information = (0.025 x A) + (0.005 x B) (units: megabytes)

A: Number of events one scheduler service can process per hour

B: Number of retained items of unreported information that is to be sent from event/action control to schedule control

If all the data to be transmitted between the event/action control manager and the event/action control agent becomes unreported information, the maximum for A becomes 1,000. For details about the number of events that one scheduler service can process per hour, see 3.1.5 Event monitoring performance.

If all the data to be sent from event/action control to schedule control becomes unreported information, the maximum for B becomes 15,000.

If all the unreported information is retained, the maximum disk space for unreported information is (0.025 x 1,000) + (0.005 x 15,000) = 100 (units: megabytes).


Estimated only when the temporary change operation management function is used.

Because this data is stored in the directory for job error information, estimate the disk space of the actual directory if you have changed the storage directory.


The size of the data used by the job execution control manager process (jpqman) of each scheduler service to manage job information

Supplementary notes
  • Of the user data used by scheduler services, jobnet definitions and job execution information are included in the embedded database.

    For details about how to estimate the disk space used by the embedded database, see 23.2 Estimating the database area in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • For details about how to estimate the disk space requirements after migration from a version 8 embedded database, see 8.5.2(7) Estimating the disk space requirements after migration from a version 8 embedded database.