
JP1 Version 11 Job Management: Getting Started (Job Scheduler)

1.3.4 Setting up the prerequisite product

Register JP1 users (accounts reserved for JP1 only) in JP1/Base, and then set operation permissions for the JP1 users. Then, associate the JP1 users with OS users so that the JP1 users can access OS resources.

Setting up JP1/Base on the manager host consists of the following four steps:

Setting up an authentication server:

An authentication server manages access permissions of JP1 users. Set up the server on which JP1/Base is installed as an authentication server.

Registering JP1 users in the authentication server:

Register JP1 users in the authentication server.

Setting operation permissions for JP1 users:

Set permissions (JP1 permission levels) that allow JP1 users to define and execute applications.

Setting user mapping:

User mapping is an operation to associate JP1 users with OS users on the host on which jobs are executed.

To execute a job in JP1/AJS3, a JP1 user accesses OS resources such as executable files by using permissions of an OS user associated with the JP1 user, and then performs processing. Therefore, the JP1 user must be associated with an OS user on the host on which the job is executed.

The following figure shows an overview of user mapping.

Figure 1‒2: User mapping


In this figure, the job executed by the JP1 user user01 on the JP1/AJS3 - View host is executed by the OS user MAN_OSuser on the manager host. If the job is transferred to the agent host, the job is executed by the OS user AGT_OSuser on the agent host.


If you performed the automatic setup processing when installing JP1/Base, the information shown below is automatically specified as initial settings. If you perform operations using the users in the initial settings, you do not need to set up JP1/Base.


Setting item

Initial settings


Setting up an authentication server

Authentication server name

Local host name


Registering JP1 users in the authentication server

JP1 user name






Setting JP1 user operating permissions

JP1 resource group

* (asterisk)


Granted permissions

All administration permissions


Setting user mapping

JP1 user name to be mapped



OS user to be mapped

OS user entered in the window for entering the OS user name and password


Server host name

* (asterisk)

Related topics

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting up an authentication server

Set the name of the host used as the authentication server in JP1/Base.


Log in to the manager host as an OS user with Administrator permissions.


  1. From the Start menu of Windows, select Programs, JP1_Base, and then setup.

    The JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Authentication Server tab, in Order of authentication server, click the Add button.


    The Authentication Server dialog box appears.

  3. In Authentication server, enter the host name of the authentication server.


  4. Click the OK button.

    The Authentication Server dialog box closes.

    In the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box, in Order of authentication server, the host name of the manager host appears.

  5. Click the Apply button.


The manager host is set as the authentication server.


Register JP1 users in the authentication server.

Related topics

(2) Registering JP1 users in the authentication server

Register a JP1 user in the authentication server.


Log in to the manager host as an OS user with Administrator permissions.


  1. From the Start menu of Windows, select Programs, JP1_Base, and then setup.

    The JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Authentication Server tab, in Order of authentication server, select the authentication server in which you want to register a JP1 user.


  3. In JP1 user, click the Add button.

    The JP1 User dialog box appears.

  4. In JP1 user, enter the name of the JP1 user. In Password and Confirm Password, enter the password of the JP1 user.


  5. Click the OK button.

    The JP1 User dialog box closes.

    The specified JP1 user name appears in JP1 user in the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box.

  6. Click the Apply button.


The JP1 user is registered.


Set operation permissions for the JP1 user.

Related topics

(3) Setting operation permissions for JP1 users

Set the JP1 permission level for a JP1 user by defining the JP1 resource group and JP1 permission level name for the JP1 user.


Log in to the manager host as an OS user with Administrator permissions.


  1. From the Start menu of Windows, select Programs, JP1_Base, and then setup.

    The JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Authentication Server tab, in JP1 user, select the JP1 user for which you want to set the JP1 permission level.


  3. In Authority level for JP1 resource group, click the Add button.

    The JP1 Resource Group Details dialog box appears.

  4. In JP1 resource group, enter the JP1 resource group name.

    JP1 resource groups are provided to manage units by group. Specify the name of the JP1 resource group to which the unit you want to operate belongs, or specify a new JP1 resource group name.



    Specify an asterisk (*) to allow the JP1 user to access all JP1 resource groups.

  5. In the Permissions not granted list, select the JP1 permission level name you want to set for the JP1 resource group, and then click Add.

    The selected JP1 permission level name is added to the Permissions granted list.


    The following describes the JP1 permission level names used in JP1/AJS3:

    Classification of operation permissions

    JP1 permission level names


    Permissions relating to jobnet definition and execution


    Administrator role that allows the user to change the unit owner and resource groups, and define, execute, and edit jobnets.


    This permission allows the user to define, execute, and edit jobnets.


    This permission allows the user to define and edit jobnets.


    This permission allows the user to execute and reference jobnets.


    This permission allows the user to reference jobnets.

    Permissions relating to manipulation of agent management information


    Administrator role that allows the user to add, change, and delete the definitions of execution agents and execution agent groups.


    This permission allows the user to change the job transfer restriction status for execution agents and execution agent groups.


    This permission allows the user to reference the status and definitions of execution agents and execution agent groups.

  6. Click the OK button.

    The JP1 Resource Group Details dialog box closes.

    The JP1 resource group that the JP1 user can access and the JP1 permission level for that group appears in Authority level for JP1 resource group in the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box.

  7. Click the Apply button.


The JP1 permission level is set for the JP1 user.


Set user mapping.

Related topics

(4) Setting user mapping

Map the JP1 user to an OS user on the manager host so that the JP1 user can access OS resources on the manager host.



  1. From the Start menu of Windows, select Programs, JP1_Base, and then setup.

    The JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Click the User Mapping tab.

    The User Mapping tab appears.

  3. In the Password management, click the Set button.


    The Password Manager dialog box appears.

  4. Click the New User button.


    The New User dialog box appears.

  5. In User Name, enter the OS user name. In Password and Confirm Password, enter the password of the OS user.


  6. Click the OK button.

    A message dialog box indicating that the OS user has been registered appears.

  7. In the message dialog box, click the OK button.

    The message dialog box closes. In the Password Manager dialog box, the registered OS user name appears.

  8. In the Password Manager dialog box, click the Exit button.

    The Password Manager dialog box closes.

  9. In the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box, in JP1 user, click the Add button.

    The JP1 User dialog box appears.

  10. In JP1 user, enter the JP1 user name. In Server host, enter the name of the host from which job execution will be requested.

    For JP1 user, specify the JP1 user name to be mapped to the OS user. For Server host, specify the host that accepts job execution requests.



    Specify an asterisk (*) in Server host to accept job execution requests from all hosts.

  11. Click the OK button.

    The JP1 User dialog box closes, and then the OS User Mapping Details dialog box appears.

    The OS users not mapped list displays the OS user you specified in step 5.

  12. In the OS users not mapped list, select the OS user to be mapped to the JP1 user, and then click Add.


    The selected OS user is added to the OS users to be mapped list.

  13. Click the OK button.

    The OS User Mapping Details dialog box closes.

    The JP user is added in JP1 user in the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box. When you select this JP1 user, the mapped OS user appears in List of OS users to be mapped.

  14. Click the Apply button.


The JP1 user and the OS user on the manager host are mapped.


Set up JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the manager host.

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