
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Operation Messages


Authentication by an external authentication server failed.


Authentication by an external authentication server failed.

Perform the following steps:

1. Make sure the user name is specified correctly. Specify the user name only. Do not specify the user name in DN format.

2. Make sure the specified password is the correct password for the specified user name.

3. Make sure the specified user account has been registered in the external authentication server and is enabled.

4. Check and, if necessary, revise the values of "basedn" and "attr" for the applicable server in the "" file.

If you are using a hierarchical LDAP model, perform the following checks:

- Use the "hcmds64ldapuser" command to verify that information about the server whose server name is specified for the "" attribute in the "" file has been registered.

- Make sure the user account for searching for information has the necessary permissions.

6. If you are using a flat LDAP model, perform the following checks:

- Use the "hcmds64ldapuser" command to verify that information about the server whose server name is specified for the "" attribute in the "" file has not been registered.

7. If the problem persists, collect maintenance information, and then contact customer support.