
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

7.14 Restoring a JP1/AO server at a remote site using backup files

If a JP1/AO server stops for some reason, you can restore it at a remote site using backup files. You can use this method to perform disaster recovery when a large-scale disaster or system failure occurs.

An example is shown in the figure below.

Figure 7‒1: Example of restoring a JP1/AO server at a remote site using backup files


In this example, branch A is the main site and branch B the remote site. Branch A obtains a backup file at midnight after close of business every day, which it sends to branch B. This means that branch B always has a backup file for branch A created the previous midnight. If a disaster of some kind occurs that causes the JP1/AO server to stop, the JP1/AO server at branch A can be restored to a server at branch B from the backup file created at midnight.

The procedure for restoring a JP1/AO server at a remote site using a backup file is described below.


General procedure for restoring a JP1/AO server at a remote site using a backup file

The following table shows the general procedure for using a backup file to restore a JP1/AO server at a remote site:

Table 7‒1: Restoring a JP1/AO server at a remote site using a backup file


Tasks on main site

Tasks on remote site

During normal operation

Acquire a backup file#.


Send the backup file to the remote site.


In the event of a disaster or failure


Restore the JP1/AO server that was operating at the main site by using the most recent backup file.


--: Not applicable.


We recommend that you acquire backup files regularly by an automatic process.

Procedure during normal operation

Acquire the latest backup file for the main site, and send it to the remote site.

  1. Acquire the latest backup file for the main site.

    For details on how to acquire the backup file for a JP1/AO server, see 7.1 Backing up data in JP1/AO (non-cluster configuration).

  2. Send the backup file for the main site to the remote site.


The backupsystem command does not back up the files below. If you intend to use the same files at the main site and the remote site, back up these files manually, and send them to the remote site.

  • SSL server certificate files for https connections

  • Private key files for https connections

  • Private key files for public key authentication

You can use different certificate and key files at the main and remote sites. In this case, acquire or create certificate or key files separately for the main and remote sites and place them in the appropriate locations.

Procedure in the event of a disaster or failure

Use the most recent backup file of the main site to restore the JP1/AO server at the remote site.


You can skip steps 4 to 6 if the following settings are the same on the JP1/AO servers at the main site and the remote site:

  • Configuration file for external authentication server linkage (

  • Security definition file (security.conf)

  • Port number settings (user_httpsd.conf)

  • Https connection settings (user_httpsd.conf)

  • Port number used for communication between JP1/AO and Web browsers

  1. Make sure that there are no tasks in In Progress, Waiting for Input, In Progress (with Error), or In Progress (Terminating) status at the remote site. If there are such tasks at the remote site, either stop the tasks, or wait until they enter Completed or Failed status.

  2. If the JP1/AO system is running, shut it down by executing the hcmds64srv command with the stop option specified.

  3. Restore the JP1/AO settings and database data for the main site by executing the restoresystem command.


    The restoresystem command does not restore the files below. If you intend to use the same files at the main site and the remote site, manually place them in the appropriate locations.

    • SSL server certificate files for https connections

    • Private key files for https connections

    • Private key files for public key authentication

    Place the files for https connections in the location defined in the user_httpsd.conf file, and the files for public key authentication in the location defined in the user-specified properties file (

  4. Reconfigure the following definition files to suit the environment of the remote site.

    These definition files are backed up by the backupsystem command, but are not restored by the restoresystem command.

    • Configuration file for external authentication server linkage (

    • Security definition file (security.conf)

    • Port number settings (user_httpsd.conf)

    • Https connection settings (user_httpsd.conf)

    The definition files are stored in the following folders:

    • backup-folder\HBase\base\conf or backup-folder/HBase/base/conf

    • backup-folder\HBase\base\httpsd.conf or backup-folder/HBase/base/httpsd.conf

  5. Configure https connections as needed.

  6. If the following port numbers used for communications between JP1/AO and Web browsers were changed from the default, make the same change again by following the procedure for changing port numbers.

  7. Start the JP1/AO system by executing the hcmds64srv command with the start option specified.

  8. Execute the hcmds64chgurl command to update the URL information to suit the environment at the remote site.

Result of operation:

The JP1/AO server that was operating at the main site is recovered at the remote site.