
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Operation Administration Guide 

4.9.1 Applying the latest version of a service template to a service

Use the following procedure to apply the latest version of a service template to a service. To perform this procedure, the status of the selected service must be Release, Maintenance, or Test.

Note that you cannot perform this procedure if the selected service is already based on the latest version of the service template.

Who can perform this task:

Users in the Admin role, Develop role, or Modify role

To apply the latest version of a service template to a service:

  1. Display the Services window.

  2. From the list of services in the Services area, select a service for which the OUTDATED label is displayed.


    If the information is in table view, select a service for which No appears in the Latest column.

  3. From the More Actions pull-down menu, select Apply Latest Version.

  4. In the Apply Latest Version dialog box, check the service template and the service to which it is being applied, and then click the Apply button.


    You can view the flow of the service template by clicking the View Flow button.

    You can view a detailed description of the service by selecting Service Details from the More Actions pull-down menu.

    Figure 4‒7: Apply Latest Version dialog box


  5. In the Apply dialog box, click the OK button.

  6. In the Information dialog box, click the OK button.

  7. In the Service Definition window (editing), review the service information and property information, and change the settings as needed.

  8. Click the Save and Close button.


    If you click the Preview button, a preview of the Submit Service dialog box appears in which you can view the execution parameters of the service.

  9. Click the Close button in the Apply Latest Version dialog box.

Result of operation:

The latest version of the service template is applied to the service. Make sure OUTDATED label no longer appears in the service list. A service in Release status enter Maintenance status when you update its service template. The status of services in Maintenance or Test status remains unchanged. Change the service status manually as needed.


If the information in the Services area is in table view, make sure that Yes appears in the Latest column in the services list.