
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Operation Overview and System Design Guide 

3.3.1 Evaluating the operation procedure to be automated and the service template to be used

Evaluate the operation procedure to be automated by using JP1/AO. JP1/AO provides service templates in which information necessary for automating operation procedures is defined.

Figure 3‒3: Evaluating the operation procedure to be automated and the service template to be used


When you automate the operation procedure by using JP1/AO, you can use various types of service templates in the JP1/AO standard package or JP1/AO Content Pack version. These service templates provided by JP1/AO support setup, operation, and error handling of various JP1 products, and virtual server and cloud operations.

Evaluate the following items, and decide the service template to use, to automate the operation procedure:

After you have decided the service template to be used, check whether its prerequisites are satisfied by the operating environments of the target devices that will perform the IT operations automatically, such as the servers and storage system. For details about the prerequisites for service templates, see the descriptions about the prerequisites for individual service templates in the details windows of individual service templates, or in the manual JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference.

The devices whose operation environment is verified here will be used during the process of evaluating operations for access control by device during operation design.

If you decide to change the service template to be used after you have evaluated the services, re-evaluate the operation design and system design as necessary.