
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

18.6 Disabling application failover

Suppose you configure application failover, use it for a few days, and then decide to completely disable it. The following explains how to completely disable application failover. Complete these instructions, which include actions on both the active and standby NNMi management servers configured in the application failover cluster.

  1. Run the nnmcluster -enable command on the active NNMi management server.

  2. Run the nnmcluster -shutdown command on the active NNMi management server.

  3. Wait a few minutes for the old standby NNMi management server to become the new active NNMi management server.

  4. Run the nnmcluster -display command on the new active (old standby) NNMi management server.

  5. Search the displayed results for the ACTIVE_NNM_RUNNING status. Repeat step 4 until you see the ACTIVE_NNM_RUNNING status.

  6. Run the nnmcluster -shutdown command on the new active (old standby) NNMi management server.

  7. Run the nnmcluster -display command repeatedly on the new active (old standby) NNMi management server until you no longer see a DAEMON process in any node's type column.

  8. Edit the following file both NNMi management servers configured in the cluster:





  9. Comment out the option on both NNMi management servers (by adding the characters #! at the beginning of the line) and save each file.

  10. Edit the following file on both NNMi management servers:





    To edit postgresql.conf, use an editor that can edit files in which only LF (0x0A) is used as the linefeed code (in Windows, do not use Notepad, use WordPad instead; in Linux, use vi).

  11. Remove in each file the lines shown below.

    Shown here is how these lines might appear on a Windows NNMi management server; they might be slightly different on your server:

    # The following lines were added by the NNM cluster.
    archive_command = 'nnmcluster.exe -archive  -logCONFIG "%p" "file:/C:/ProgramData/Hitachi/Cm2NNMi/shared/nnm/databases/Postgres_standby/TxWALs_send/%f"'
    archive_timeout = 900
    max_wal_senders = 4
    archive_mode = 'on'
    wal_level = 'hot_standby'
    hot_standby = 'on'
    wal_keep_segments = 500
    listen_addresses = 'localhost,XX.XX.XX.XX'

    Make sure to save your changes.

  12. If these are Windows NNMi management servers, navigate to the Services (Local) console and do the following on each server:

    a. Set Startup type for the NNM Cluster Manager to Disabled.

    b. Set Startup type for the NNM Process Manager to Automatic.

  13. Create the following trigger file, which tells Postgres to stop running in standby mode and to start running normally:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%tmp\postgresTriggerFile

    • Linux: $NnmDataDir/tmp/postgresTriggerFile

  14. Run the ovstart command on both NNMi management servers.

  15. If both NNMi management servers start successfully, remove the following directory from both the standby and active NNMi management servers:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%shared\nnm\databases\Postgres_standby

    • Linux: $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/databases/Postgres_standby


      This directory is a default directory and is the value of the com.hp.ov.nms.cluster.archivedir parameter located in the file. These instructions assume you did not change this value. If you changed the value of the com.hp.ov.nms.cluster.archivedir parameter in the file, and then remove the directory that equates to the new value.

  16. Remove the following directory from both the standby and active NNMi management servers:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%shared\nnm\databases\Postgres.OLD

    • Linux: $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/databases/Postgres.OLD