
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

C. List of Identifiers

To operate PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications or to extract performance data from the Store database of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, identifiers are required so that the system can identify PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. The following table shows the identifiers of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

Table C‒1: Identifiers of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications





Commands, etc.

Product ID


The product ID is part of the service ID. The service ID is required for commands that perform operations, such as checking the system configuration of the Performance Management series and backing up performance data.

For details about the service ID, see the naming rules in the appendix in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Service key

agtm or EAP

This identifier is needed in order to use commands to start and stop PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. For details about the service key, see the appendix in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.


Help ID


This is the identifier for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications help.