
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

12.4 Data to be collected during troubleshooting

If the appropriate action described in 12.2 Troubleshooting is not successful in correcting the error, you should collect necessary data and contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the error. This section describes the data that should be collected in the event of an error.

Performance Management provides commands for collecting the needed data in batch mode. Use the jpcras command to collect PFM - Agent data. The following tables indicate the data that can be collected by the jpcras command.


The data collected by the jpcras command depends on the options you specify when you execute the command. For details about the command's options and the data that can be collected, see the chapter that describes commands in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Notes about logical host operation

The following notes apply to logical host operation:

  • During logical host operation, Performance Management log information is stored on the shared disk. If the shared disk is placed online (Windows) or mounted (Linux), you can use the jpcras command to also collect the log information on the shared disk in batch mode.

  • To evaluate problems during failover, you need the information existing before and after the failover. This means that you need the information about both executing and standby systems.

To examine Performance Management for logical host operation, information about the cluster software is necessary. Because Performance Management for logical host operation is started and terminated from the cluster software, the behavior of the cluster software must be compared with the behavior of Performance Management.

Organization of this section