
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

12.2.1 Troubleshooting related to setup and service startup

Handle errors related to setup or service startup as described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) A Performance Management program service does not start

Causes and solutions:

(2) It takes a long time for a service to start once startup is requested

It may take some time for a service to actually start once you execute the jpcspm start command or when you start a service by choosing the Service icon. If this is due to one of the following reasons, the time required to start the service will be reduced when the service is started subsequently:

(3) Immediately after a Performance Management program service is stopped, another program service is started, but communication does not function correctly

Immediately after a Performance Management program service is stopped, another program service may be started that uses the same port that the stopped service was using. In such a case, communication may not function correctly. You can use either of the following techniques to avoid this problem:

(4) After the message "The disk capacity is insufficient" is displayed, the Master Store or Agent Store service stops

If there is not enough free space on the disk used by the Store database, data storage into the Store database is interrupted. In such a case, the message The disk capacity is insufficient is displayed and then the Master Store or Agent Store service stops.

When this message is displayed, take one of the following actions:

If the Master Store or Agent Store service does not start even after you have taken these actions, an unrecoverable logical conflict has occurred in the Store database. In such a case, restore the Store database from a backup and then start the Master Store or Agent Store service. If no backup is available, initialize the Store database and then start the Master Store or Agent Store service. To initialize the Store database, you must delete all the following files in the storage directory for the Store database:

For details about the Store database storage directory, see 3.6.1 Changing the performance data storage location.

(5) The Agent Collector or Remote Monitor Collector service does not start

Suppose the OS of a PFM - Agent host or a PFM - RM host is Windows, PFM - Agent or PFM - RM starts, and the Agent Collector service or the Remote Monitor Collector service fails to start. When that occurs and Windows restarts, the following message might be output to a Windows event log.

This event occurred because Windows Service Control Manager timed out. This event is prone to occur when communication loads on PFM - Manager are heavy and it takes too much time to receive a response from PFM - Manager. This event occurs when all the following conditions are satisfied:

To avoid this event, take one of the following actions: