
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


An attempt to load the RFC library failed. (file path=file-path, reason=cause, func=name-of-API, error code=error-code)

An error occurred while loading the RFC library.

The meanings of the values displayed in the message are as follows:

file path: The file path of the RFC library

reason: cause; cause is one of the following:
  • no such file(s): The file or files do not exist.

  • invalid library(ies): One or more libraries are not valid.

  • the CRT libraries are not installed: One or more required CRT libraries are not installed.

  • system error: A system error occurred.

func: The name of the API that generated the error

error code: The number of the error

If the error was not generated by an API, no values will be set for func and error code.


Terminates the Agent Collector service.


Check the cause that is output, take action according to below, and then start the Agent Collector service. If this does not resolve the problem, collect maintenance data and contact the system administrator.

  • If cause is no such file(s)

    Check whether an RFC library is stored at the path indicated by file-path.

  • If cause is invalid library(ies)

    Check whether a valid RFC library is stored at the path indicated by file-path.

  • If cause is the CRT libraries are not installed

    Check whether the libraries of the Visual C++ redistribution package are installed.

  • If cause is system error

    Collect maintenance data, and then contact the system administrator or a support service.

For the version of the RFC library or libraries required, see the Release Notes.

For details about how to obtain RFC libraries, see the Release Notes.

If this does not resolve the problem, collect data using the jpcras command, and then contact the system administrator or a support service.