
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

5.3.2 Settings

Specify the settings in the environment parameters file in the following format:

  • Do not specify any unneeded characters, such as spaces at the beginning of a line or before and after an equals sign (=).

  • The values specified in section and label are not case-sensitive.

  • A line beginning with a semicolon (;) is treated as a comment.

The following tables describe the contents of each section in the environment parameters file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) EXTRACTFILE section

The EXTRACTFILE section specifies information about the file to which system log information is to be output.

Table 5‒1: Values permitted in the EXTRACTFILE section



Permitted values

Default value


Format of file for storing system log information:

  • WRAP1

    This file is in wraparound format, which means that data is overwritten when the amount of system log information reaches a specified value.

  • WRAP2

    This format consists of the number of files specified in the NUM label. When the amount of data in the first file reaches a specified value, new data is written in the second file from the top after all existing data is deleted from the second file.

    When all of the files are full, new data is again written in the first file, starting from the top after all existing data is deleted from the first file.

If you configure a new environment for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, we recommend that you specify WRAP2.

If you want to change the format of storage files after you have started system operations, first stop any products monitoring the storage files, and then delete the storage files and their management files#1.



Note that if there is no TYPE label for reasons such as upgrading from Version 9 or earlier, WRAP1 is assumed.


Size of one storage file:

  • 0:

    2 GB (the maximum value that can be expressed by a 32-bit signed integer (0x7FFFFFFF))

  • 1 to 65535:

    Wraparound within the specified size (kilobytes)

0 to 65535



  • WRAP1 specified in the TYPE label

    Specify the path to the storage file that is to be used when storage file output is specified in the -x2 option.#1, #3

  • WRAP2 specified in the TYPE label

    Specify the storage file that is to be used when storage file output is specified in the -x2 option.#3, #4

  • WRAP1 specified in the TYPE label

    1 through 251 bytes of single-byte alphanumeric characters#5

  • WRAP2 specified in the TYPE label

    1 through 254 bytes of single-byte alphanumeric characters#5

  • In Windows: log\SYSLOG

  • In Linux: log/SYSLOG


Number of files to be written to when using the WRAP2 format.

This field is applicable only when WRAP2 is specified in the TYPE label.

2 to 9



If the WRAP1 format is used, a management file having the name storage-file-name.ofs is created in the same directory as for the storage file.


If SYSLOG is specified as the storage file name, a management file named SYSLOG.ofs is created in addition to the SYSLOG file.

If you delete the storage file, you must also delete the management file.


For details about the default value that is applied when the product is upgraded from version 09-00 or earlier, see Appendix H. Migration Steps and Notes on Migration.


If you do not use the default storage location, the storage and management files will not be collected when you use the jpcras command. Therefore, in the event of a problem, you need to manually collect the storage and management files.


A value in the range specified in the NUM label (default: 1 through 5) is assigned to this value to obtain the file name.


If a relative path is specified, the command's working directory (directory specified in the WORKDIR label in the COMMAND section) is assumed as the current directory. If no working directory is specified, the directory listed below is assumed as the current directory. The environment directory means a directory on the shared disk that was specified when the logical host was created.

In Windows:

Physical host environment: installation-folder\agtm\agent\instance-name

Logical host environment: environment-directory\jp1pc\agtm\agent\instance-name

In Linux:

Physical host environment: /opt/jp1pc/agtm/agent/instance-name

Logical host environment: environment-directory/jp1pc/agtm/agent/instance-name

(2) FORMAT section

The FORMAT section specifies the output format of the system log information.

Table 5‒2: Values permitted in the FORMAT section



Permitted values

Default values


Output format of system log information

Field ID. For details about the field ID, see Output format and contents in the jr3slget command in Chapter 10. Commands.

Column 1: <TIME>

Column 2: <INSTANCE>

Column 3: <USER>

Column 4: <PROGRAM>

Column 5: <MSGNO>

Column 6: <MSGTEXT>

(3) TRACE section

The TRACE section specifies information about the message log and data log that store the history of system log information extraction.

Table 5‒3: Values permitted in the TRACE section



Permitted values

Default value


Message log collection level for saving application trace information:

  • 0: Do not collect

  • 1: Collect only errors

  • 2: Standard

  • 3: Details

  • 4: Debug




File size for collecting the message log:

  • 0: 2 GB (the maximum value that can be expressed by a 32-bit signed integer (0x7FFFFFFF))

  • 1-65535: Wraparound within the specified size (in kilobytes)




Message log file (jr3slget.log) collection-target directory

(Cannot be changed)



Data log collection level for saving various types of data information for applications:

  • 0: Do not collect

  • 1: Collect only errors

  • 2: Standard

  • 3: Details

  • 4: Debug




File size for collecting the data log:

  • 0: 2 GB (the maximum value that can be expressed by a 32-bit signed integer (0x7FFFFFFF))

  • 1-65535: Wraparound within the specified size (in kilobytes)




Data log file (jr3slget.dat) collection-target directory

(Cannot be changed)


(4) CONNECT section

The CONNECT section specifies information needed to establish RFC connection with the SAP system.

Table 5‒4: Values permitted in the CONNECT section



Permitted value

Default value


User language used for connection

Japanese and English are supported. 2-byte ISO ID or 1-byte language key that is used in the SAP system:

  • Japanese: JA or J

  • English: EN or E



Code page used to convert character codes in the Unicode version of the SAP system at the destination

Value combined with the language in the LANG label#



Set the LANG and CODEPAGE labels in the applicable combination shown below. If any other combination of language and code page is specified, an encoding error might occur in the information acquired from the SAP system.

Table 5‒5: Combination of language and code page specifications

Connection-target SAP system

Connection language

Language (LANG)

Code page (CODEPAGE)

Unicode version






No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 1100.

Non-Unicode version



No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 8000.



No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 1100.

If you omit specification of the LANG label, the user language defined in the connection-target system is assumed.

If you omit specification of the CODEPAGE label, the default code page in the connection-target system is assumed.