
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.2.2 Effects of PFM - Manager failure and the action to be taken

A shutdown of PFM - Manager affects the entire Performance Management system.

PFM - Manager provides centralized management of the agent information for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications that is running at all the nodes. It also controls alarm event notifications when thresholds are exceeded during performance monitoring by PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications, as well as execution of actions based on alarm events. Therefore, when PFM - Manager is shut down, the Performance Management system is affected as described in the following table.

Table 4‒1: Effects of PFM - Manager shutdown on PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications




PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications

If PFM - Manager is shut down while PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is running, the following occurs:

  • Collection of performance data continues.

  • Because alarm events cannot be reported to PFM - Manager, the alarm events for each alarm definition are saved and notification for each event is reattempted until PFM - Manager starts. When the number of saved alarm events exceeds 3, the oldest alarm event is overwritten. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications shuts down, the saved alarm events are deleted.

  • Notifications of alarm status already sent to PFM - Manager are reset when PFM - Manager restarts. Alarm statuses are refreshed once PFM - Manager has checked the status of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

  • An attempt to shut down PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications takes time because notification of this event cannot be sent to PFM - Manager.

Start PFM - Manager. An active PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications can continue to operate. Because alarms might not be reported as expected, after PFM - Manager has been recovered, check the KAVE00024-I message that has been output to PFM - Agent's common message log.

You should evaluate your operating procedures, taking into account the effects of a PFM - Manager shutdown. Apart from system crashes, events such as a configuration change or system maintenance might require shutdown of PFM - Manager. You should shut down for maintenance purposes only when the shutdown will have the least effects on operations.